negroland map kingdom of judah

The king was considered immortal, although successive kings were recognized as dying of natural causes. It can also be referred to in phylogenetic nomenclature by names such as E1b1a (although the exact definition of phylogenetic names can vary over time) E-V38 has two basal branches, E-M329 and E-M2, the former is almost exclusively found in Ethiopia, while the latter is the predominant lineage in Western Africa, Central Africa, Southern Africa, North Africa and the southern parts of Eastern Africa Much of the population that carried E-M2 retreated to southern West Africa with the drying of the Sahara. Haywah (Man) Musketeers were employed around the late 17th century but they did not replace the spearmen, swordsmen and archers.[8]. This map of Guangdong Province in southern China is one of 42 maps in his Jacopo d'Angelo's Latin translation from the Greek of Ptolemy's Geographia. Your sheep and goats will be given to your enemies, and no one will be there to help you. Your heart will break for them, but you wont be able to help them. According to Portuguese slave records, their names were not constructed from terms such as Lord, Jehovah, Elohim, or Adonai; but were variations of the name Yahweh proving that they knew the real names of the God of Abraham. I like the valuable info you provide in your articles. E1b1a (U209) This population represents the backbone of the Bantu expansion, emerged and expanded out of the Bantu Urheimat. But the Lord hath taken you, and brought you forth out of the iron furnace, even out of Egypt, to be unto him a people of inheritance, as ye are this day. On becoming king after the Amarna rebellion, Horemheb turned the city back into a prison under the mayorship of Ramses, later to become Ramses I, who established the Nineteenth Dynasty. [citation needed], Despite this, the king was wealthy, and clothed in gold and silverwhich were otherwise little known in Whydah. Pal., corresponding roughly with the biblical 40 years. Phoenicians are the people who lived on the Levant, in present Lebanon. Even with this name change, the view that the name Juda does not enter the historical records until 1671[3] is opposed by. Relief shown pictorially. the Bantu population that is responsible for its dissemination. Africa, Northwest. [4] The history of the people who lived on the Slave Coast (Juda) has been subject to historical distortions, but identifying the geographic location from which the dispersed Hebrews would return is not difficult when the Bible confirms it. Fathers were recorded with more than two hundred children by their numerous wives. They are saying, We have become old, dry bones all hope is gone. NEGROLAND. These Israelite exiles were a deeply spiritual people that carried their sacred writings and practices with them. These compounds served as important centers of diplomatic and commercial exchange between European companies and the Kingdom of Whydah. (LogOut/ Includes index. If you look closely at the 2nd Map below to the left, you can see that the "Slave Coast" on the top map is in the the same place as the "Kingdom of Judah." The Slave Coast (Kingdom of Judah) was an area dedicated to the trafficking of slaves to the United States of America. It was then that it was rebuilt and received its biblical name, Pi-Ramses, from its mayor. This would allow about 50 years from their departure from Egypt to their entrance into W. replacing the previous haplogroups frequencies in these areas with the now dominant E1b1a1 lineages. The archers followed suit and the army charged in after. Source: Partie De L'Afrique en deca de L'Equateur (University of Texas Arlington) This is why they do not listen to us when we try and explain our experiences through our movies, through our music and arts; this is why our voices fall on deaf ears and this is why we are shushed even when we silently kneel in protest of our injustices. Copy imperfect: Mounted on paper backing, stained along center fold line and throughout. Emanuel Bowen London 1747. In Numbers 26:19-22, when the tribes of the Hebrews are enumerated "in the plains of Moab by the Jordan at Jericho" ( Numbers 26:3 ), Judah is described as made up of the families of the Shelanites, the Perezites, the Zerahites, the Hezronites and the Hamulites. You will plant a vineyard, but you will never enjoy its fruit. The wall from which this fragment came almost certainly showed Sebekhotep, an important treasury official in the reign of Thutmose IV (c. 1400-1390 BC), receiving the produce of the Levant (Land of Canaan) and Africa, which he then presented to the king. The one who rescues will come from Jerusalem. The African origin of geomancy and thus, via Lull and Leibnitz, the binary code is well supported. Yewah (man). Haplotype E DNA frequency map compared to Bantu subsaharan migration map. Today. thus acting to somewhat homogenize the populations. Prof. Elisabeth Isichei an Australian historian and Melville Merrskovits, an American writer, all strongly believe there is enough evidence to link the Igbos of Nigeia to the Israeli tribe of Gad. belong to England, Denmark, Holland & c: the sea of the rivers being drawn from surveys & the best modern maps and charts, & regulated by astron. - Thanks again. In South America, the estimates are ~8% for the M2 subclade. We will find that no matter where the Israelites migrated to after Egypt, they brought with them much of the traditions, culture and religious beliefs of the Egyptians. Important Historic Map for all Kids, Adults and Future Generations. "Guinea", not to be confused with the modern country, then referred to the south-facing coast of West Africa and the land stretching upriver from there. He made his God after himself, and then said that man was made after the image of God. Anacalypsis an Attempt to Draw Aside the Veil of the Saitic Isis, Volume 1, By Godfrey Higgins, PG 630, Osiris and his Bull were black; all the Gods and Goddesses of Greece were black: at least this was the case with Jupiter, Bacchus, Hercules, Apollo, Ammon.The Goddesses Venus, Isis, Hecati, Diana, Juno, Metis, Ceres, Cybile, are black. "Negroland" represented the area between the region of Guinea and "Sahara" or "The Desert", the Sahara Desert. Take full advantage of our site features by enabling JavaScript. Robin Law a Professor of West African Studies wrote: Although Ouidah is the spelling of the towns current name it occurs in European sources between the 17th and 19th centuries in various other forms in English Whydah, in Dutch, Fida in French Juda and in Portuguese Ajuda. And they [the Israelites] took them up secretly during a war of the Egyptians. Land of the Bamana people, a section of the Mandinka people, the founders of Mali, In 1972, after returning from the Ivory Coast, the author published his first book, Bambara, a story about Hebrew biblical footprints left in ancient African cultures that uncovers, as a fascinating step by step puzzle, the forty-year mysterious journey through African coast, deserts, mountains and seas on the way from Egypt to Israel [during] his engineering carrier, while managing large Israeli overseas engineering operations, including Iran and Ivory Coast, the author discovered some interesting linguistic and cultural similarities between the Hebrew language and Bambara, spoken by an African tribe in Mali. The Biblical Hebrew Origin of the Japanese People, By J. Eidelberg, PG xii, xi, Bambara people in upper Sngal river valley, 1890. As the Israelites made a calf in Horeb after their patterns, soon after Moses had left them out of Egyptso much about this time the Greeks were led into the same sort of idolatry by the Egyptian travellers, who came to live amongst them. The reason it is so hard to uncover our true history is because of Eurocentric Christian racism. Note that the written permission of the copyright owners and/or other rights holders (such as publicity and/or privacy rights) is required for distribution, reproduction, or other use of protected items beyond that allowed by fair use or other statutory exemptions. The same people who made Egypt great exported that same greatness in all the places they travelled. Prophesying the return of the scattered Hebrews the Most High says: From beyond the rivers of Ethiopia my petitioners, even the daughter of My dispersed, shall bring mine offering. (Zephaniah 3:10), Africa was at one time known to the ancient world as Ethiopia. and he will turn Israel away from ungodliness. According to 9th-century Jewish traveler Eldad ben-Mahli (Eldad the Danite), the Ibo Benei-Yisrael may be descendants of members of several of the Lost Tribes of Israel. He contended that the Jews of Africa came from the tribes of Dan, Naphtali, Gad and Asher, who had fled the Land of Israel so as not to participate in the civil war between Judah and Israel during the time of Jereboams succession and reign over the Northern Kingdom (922-901BCE or 931-910 BCE). I will make them one piece of wood in my hand.. According to Psalms 83, the captors of Jacob knew who they were enslaving, and the name of this man-made gate reveals the intention; to ensure that there would be no return. 1747 Emmanuel Bowen Map of Judah on The Slave Coast of Africa (Map of Negroland) Circa 1790 Whydah (or Ouidah, Judah) . From what I have offered about the several steps which the Egyptians took in the progress of their superstitions and idolatry, it will be easy to determine what their religion was when Cecrops, Cadmus, or Danaus left Egypt; and consequently what religion or deities these men may be supposed to have introduced into Greece. Google a more accurate Negroland map. heb-noun,silence) After the siege of Jerusalem in 70 AD by Roman General Titus, millions of Israeliteswere not killed or captured, but fled into Africa, and migrated into Negroland over a period of several centuries. Ships from United Kingdom. As for me, I will praise YAH in the land of my captivity. The true Hebrews from the House of Judah were brought here into the Americas and West Indies from Africa on slave ships and have been suffering under Gentile oppression ever since and all the while, the House of Israel (Indigenous Americans) was right here suffering as well! The Ibo Benei-Yisrael, though having no written evidence of their Jewish heritage, maintained a strong oral tradition and practiced many Jewish customs in secret. . It has a frequency peak (15-45%) in a belt through Sub-Saharan and Equatorial Africa. Family Guy predicting destruction in America, Image of the Messiah The best kept secret, For by wise counsel thou shalt make thy war. Being separated from the rest of the Jewish people, the four tribes did not know about the great Jewish Sages, the Tanaim and Amoraim, the authors of the Mishnah and the Gemara, and they were not in possession of the Talmud. Sep 3, 2020 - CANVAS PRINTS -UNFRAMED The 1747 Negroland map identifies the Kingdom and nationality of the Transatlantic Slaves as the Kingdom of Juda, located on the West Coast of Africa, in the region of modern-day Benin and Togo. Written and Engraved by Jos. These offerings, when made by one of the heads of a family, serve for the whole. " - Israelology - The Birthright, House of Israel, Kingdom, and Sons of God, By Paul H. Andree, III, PG 50 " And the sons of Zerah; Zimri, and Ethan, and Heman, and Calcol, and Dara: five of them in all." - 1 Chronicles 2:6 The region where they lived was a fertile one. It is a modern belief that all people that arent Jews are Gentiles but here Moses states in Genesis: 2 The sons of Japheth were Gomer, Magog, Madai, Javan, Tubal, Meshech, and Tiras. [9]. The inhabitants were remnants of Israels tribe of JUDAH forced into exile around 70 AD by the Romans. Cheikh Anta Diop, in her book, Precolonial Black Africa, references the researcher Jonathan Olumide Lucas, who connects the Yoruba with Egypt. Evidence that Juda was inhabited by the descendants of Jacob, who were subsequently deported during the trans-Atlantic slave trade, can be found in the written testimony of. An Israelite historian helps provide critical information concerning the early East African Zanji Bantu Israelite presence. Eldad contended that these Jews originally settled in Havilah, beyond the rivers of Ethiopia. Some of our offerings are eaten with bitter herbs. I will bring them home to their own land from the places where they have been scattered. This map was created in 1747 by English cartographer Emanuel Bowen as part of a collection. And Jerusalem will be trampled by Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled. It is now common knowledge that the merchants and slavers knew the exact origins of the people they took captive from West Africa because they recorded some of their names. Jacob Israel was not only the eponym and the specific ancestor of Israel, he was also the patriarch who, according to tradition, led the Israelites into Egypt. I have been wondering within myself why I have that extra great zeal for Israelites .I keep on searching for any news from Israel and anything about Israel is to me an action directed by God.yes ranging from war to inventions.Let me confess here that I read Israeli news before I read Kenyan news,something I have failed to overcome.I try to grasp every Hebrew word that I come across and also teach my children the Israelite history according to the bible because I have no access to any other literature from Israel .Lets form a network and a forum and lets chat the way forward.Please be sending me any additional information .May God bless you. There was a problem subscribing you to this newsletter. Change). One king will rule them all; no longer will they be divided into two nations or into two kingdoms. Slave Coast; Bight of Benin to Bight of Biafra. The Egyptians had dedicated sacred animals to their sidereal deities before these men left them: all their other innovations were more modern, and consequently this practice these men carried with them into foreign countries. The presence of E1b1a seems follow the Israelite migration routes shown on the map above. Powered with a very subtle sixth sense, the sovereign is able to establish a link between the present and the future; Herman Moll's 1727 map labels these "Grain Coast", "Slave Coast", and "Gold Coast". 18 When your people ask you what your actions mean, 19 say to them, This is what the Sovereign Lord says: I will take Ephraim and the northern tribes and join them to Judah. Credit Line: Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division. hebrewisms-of-west-africa-pdf 2/9 Downloaded from on February 27, 2023 by guest one, the different groups of Black Jews in Western central, eastern, and Jakes GOCC Judah's Back historyrevised promise2bless Zab Judah The Unlearning of Jesus, The (Scattered) Hebrews: Torn Kingdom, The (Scattered) Hebrews: House of Israel. There are also markings etched into the pews of the First African Baptist Church in Savanna, Ga that appear to be cursive Hebrew suggesting that these African slaves and/or their ancestors may have wrote and spoke Hebrew at one point (once in the Americas, slaves were forced to speak English and were prohibited from learning to read and write, it was also forbidden to speak their native languages or use their true names so this is quite an amazing and rare find). Keep in mind that anyone can view public collectionsthey may also appear in recommendations and other places. Negroland, Nigrita,[1] or Nigritia,[2] is an archaic term in European mapping, referring to Europeans descriptions of West Africa as an area populated with negroes. This gene connects the sub-Saharan (Niger-Congo/Bantu/Israelite) Africans, also known as Contemporary Equatorial Africans, to the Ancient Egyptians. If you want to know how to get it search for: These black icons were made when man himself was black. mutana matanah. Dierk Lange, Professor emeritus Of African History at the University of Beyreuth in Bavaria Germany, in his article titled, Origin of the Yoruba and The Lost Tribes of Israel, went a step further and also connected the Yoruba with the Egyptians and the Israelites. Although we were suppose to conclude with a brief overview of East African Israelite presences, there are two further quotes that I would like to add. A New & Accurate Map of Negroland and the Adjacent Countries, also Upper Guinea . Olaudah Equiano. Turning off the personalized advertising setting wont stop you from seeing Etsy ads or impact Etsy's own personalization technologies, but it may make the ads you see less relevant or more repetitive. It should now be somewhat more apparentthat Israelites are scattered throughout all parts of Africa. In his work, Flavius Josephuss Against Apion Book I, we are given an account of the Hebrews in Egypt by a priest of Egypt named Manetho The part we are concerned with is when the Hyksos are mentioned. Therefore, if the sub-Saharan Negros share the same patrilineal DNA as the Pharaoh Rameses, and both the Negroes that left Egypt and Rameses III are associated with the Hyksos Israelites, then it becomes clear that the sub-Saharan Negros are actually the people written of in the Holy Bible. It involves the fallacious dismissal of the major traditions of provenance suggesting an origin of the ancestral Yoruba in the Near East. Specialists existed in the army such as the Captain of the King's Musketeers. The Egyptian spiritual system possessed detailed informationon how to consult these animal spirits and harness their powers, protection and guidance. It is also interesting to not that the computation of the chronology of the Book of Judges, mentioned above, gives a date that is compatible with a mid-16th-century expulsion of the Hyksos. What are now obscure and possibly out of print books had no problem stating who the biblical/historical Jews were. Some of the people of Israel have hard hearts, but this will last only until the full number of Gentiles comes to Christ. If you look at the original names of those African slaves that were captured (before Europeans changed their names after getting to the Americas..), many of them had Hebrew names. It is not impossible, that many of the lost tribes of Israel may be found dispersed in the interior regions of Africa, when we shall become better acquainted with that Continent; it is certain, that some of the nations that possessed the country eastward of Palestine when the Israelites were a favoured nation, have emigrated to Africa., -El Hage Abd Salam Shabeeny collected and formatted by James Gray Jackson: An Account of Timbuctoo & Housa (1820). Yes..we should make a network for those of us in kenya that have woken up from this christianity paganismam a kikuyu and av been to this truth for some time and blessings to you brotherour heavenly abba is waking us up to realised we are the true israelites.peace and mercy to us.we should create a network please. Juda has been designated as a town, or kingdom with multiple names in many sources. They have the Five Books of Moses and most of the Books of the Prophets. 66 Your life will constantly hang in the balance. father(in address) However, the next noteworthy influx of Israelites into Africa occurred around the time of the Assyrian Captivity of the Northern Kingdom of Israel (740 BC). So each tribe went to war for three months in the year, coming back with much spoil and with many slaves, which they divided among all the tribes. Excellent .. However, the ancestral God and spiritual ruler of the Israelites, the God that freed them from the bondage of Egypt, revealed to Moses on the mountain by the name of I AM THAT I AM (Exodus 3:13-15), formerly known as the God Almighty/The Most High God (Exodus 6:3), emphatically warned the Israelites against idolatry and luminary worship. Yahkobah (Boy) (kik-generous,heb-gifts) observns Copy 1 Back to Search Results . It has a frequency peak (15-45%) in a belt through Sub-Saharan and Equatorial Africa. In one version of his history, Manetho saw that the first pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty, whom he called Tethmsis, as having expelled the shepherds. In another they are called Jews under their leader Moses. You were extremely comprehensive in your approach, and highlighted so many important topics and aspects of the Israelite diaspora into Africa, pre-Trans-Atlantic/Zanji slavery period, that anyone whom reads your work should, ultimately, be blessed. but my people have changed their glory for that which doth not profit, a story about Hebrew biblical footprints left in ancient African cultures. Stay prayerful, as a hedge of protection around you is surely warranted. They are both West Africans who are descendants of Israelites that left Egypt. I think that you could do with a Also, if the Gentiles means everyone else aside from Jews, why then did Moses only choose to use this term speaking of the sons of Japheth and not with the sons of Ham (who migrated into Africa and surrounding areas) later in the same chapter? Bowen, E. (1747) A new & accurate map of Negroland and the adjacent countries: also upper Guinea, showing the principle European settlements & distinguishing wch. The same sort of idolatry (animism and luminary worship) that was practiced amongst the Israelites during the time if the Exodus (Aarons Golden Calf) was also being introduced into Greece at the same time by the same people who left Egypt; the Israelites. The land of Juda (Whydah) was described in 1793, as being beyond description for beauty and description, and was so populous, that one village contained as many inhabitants as the whole kingdom on the Gold Coast. 36 The Lord will exile you and your king to a nation unknown to you and your ancestors. Senegal) and drops off significantly to the North and East, it has been speculated that these slaves must have come from a fairly far distance in Central or West Africa. Subsequently it has become evident after so long that one major objective for slavery was to remove the Hebrews from their lands and so cut them off from being a nation. The Bantu Africans and the related groups are indeed Israelites. North African Jews traded and traveled within the West African Kingdoms of, It appears however that Judaism in the West African empires came to an abrupt end when Askia Muhammad came to power and in 1492, ordered that all Jews convert to, Another theory maintains that Jews traveling with trade caravans from Northeast Africa moved through West Africa, Jewish identity can be found in North Africa since the founding of Carthage, specifically, descendants of the tribes of, The decline of the Jewish communities of West Africa can be traced to the arrival of Muslim invaders in the 14th and 15th centuries. Tutsi are a Bantu people with obvious connections to Egypt. Before Black people were colonized by Europeans, we were known as members of the tribe of Judah. The region where they lived was a fertile one. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Whatever the actual number is was high enough to stagnate the entire population of the African continent until the end of the nineteenth century. Now all things are of Elohim (God), who has reconciled us to Himself through Yahusha Ha'machiach (Jesus Christ), and has given us the ministry of reconciliation, that is, that Elohim (God) was in Yahusha Ha'machiach (Christ) reconciling the world to Himself, not imputing their trespasses to them and has committed to us the Word of Reconciliation. It is interesting to note that the Bambara/Bamana people, that Joseph Eidelberg identified as Hebrew Israelites, also practiced a form of geomantic divination. c. 1580 1727 kingdom in modern coastal Benin, West Africa, [Negroland to adjacent countries, William Innys, 1747|url=,,, "The 'Diligent': A Voyage through the Worlds of the Slave Trade", Clarence and Richmond Examiner and New England Advertiser,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from January 2021, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 28 February 2023, at 23:50. Many, again, say that they were a race of Ethiopian origin.., -Tacitus (Roman historian, History V: Theories of Jewish Origins, written circa 105 AD). 37 You will become an object of horror, ridicule, and mockery among all the nations to which the Lord sends you. by P Henry. laugh Subsequently it has become evident after so long that one covert objective for slavery was to remove the Hebrews from their lands and so cut them off from being a nation. Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image. U174 or E1b1a7a is the most prevalent at about 24% of African Americans., Israelite migrations into Africa and Saudi Arabia. It is not my place to direct your spirituality an choice of worship but I would suggest that if you are bantu it would be wise to search out the God and customs of your ancestors rather than those you have inherit from the arab sons of ishmael as islam is their own creation, loosely based off of the teachings of the Hebrew Israelites. Relief shown pictorially. Negroland, the map was crafted in 1747 by eighteenth-century Royal cartographer 21 Then those in Judea must flee to the hills. Its amazing and extremely fascinating. digital files not viewed; td12 2008-11-20, Le Maire, Jacques-Joseph - Pre- Imprint Collection (Library of Congress),, These black icons were made when man himself was black, all the Gods and Goddesses of Greece were black, what religion or deities these men may be supposed to have introduced into Greece, dedicated sacred animals to their sidereal deities, this practice these men carried with them into foreign countries. Names in many sources to stagnate the entire population of the Egyptians number is was enough., ridicule, and no one will be trampled by Gentiles until the times of the of! 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