my boyfriend comes from a wealthy family

I am a teacher by day and also love to travel whenever I can. I tried to focus on how hard it must have been for him to keep this huge thing a secret for so many years, and have to slowly reveal it to so many people who knew him as a straight person. One night we got into an argument & he left & went to his parents house. A reader asked: "My boyfriend comes from a wealthy family. I offered to fund college savings plans for the children and provided contact information to a trusted firm. At the same time, money represents something to your boyfriend. Are you two still in touch? Navigating the financial challenges of graduate school is not easy, and youre certainly not the only student who wishes for a little cushion, maybe in the form of a fairy godmother that swoops in and takes the money stress away, leaving you to focus on your studies and eat something other than ramen. My GF grew up very poor. I went to an Ivy surrounded by extremely wealthy kids. Like any breakup or divorce, you are grieving the end of your relationship and life as you know it. Tldr: people from low income families feel awkward when given handouts. Give yourself time to be angry, sad, and confused. My best relationships were with people who took pleasure in the same things I didwho agreed that traveling was worth splurging on, and that its better to spend too much at a restaurant with romantic ambiance than $10 on noodles under fluorescent lights. Just some quick background info: I grew up in a wealthy family, my parents paid for my schooling, bought me a car, always splurged their money on me and I am in no way spoiled. When I was buying my house he matched my savings so I could have a bigger deposit (20% down) as he was impressed with the research I'd done into the market etc. There is a gulf of difference that pops up and it can be infuriating. Money can signify so many things: love, acceptance, commitment, safety. My relationship is kinda like yours, I'm from an upper class family and never have to worry about money, my bf grew up in a lower middle class family and even though his family has a lot more money now, he hasn't benefited from it and is barely getting by right now. Feeling Im in elevated company is occasionally brought on by the presence of big brains, but never big bank accounts. I LOVED this interview Judy and I think you will, too. It irritated me because this lack of 'realworld' meant he had no empathy for me. It's not right or wrong, it's just how it is. That said, I get that its not their fault. In practice this meant a million tiny insults that he was unaware of. I will say from the personal experience it gets better over time. It is important to sort this out early. I guess I dont fear that Ill date a gay guy again, although sometimes I joke about that with my friends. I had a similar experience in high school/college, though to a lesser extent. As his girlfriend of six years, I am invited with the caveat. I usually say we were on the cusp of marriage. Pay me instead. Next week I start so hopefully that helps! It's something you never will understand. Why Do I Keep Fantasizing About Being a Kept Woman? I was completely blown away. Looking back, I do see some signs but at the time, I was completely unaware. I certainly love the things that money can buy me: food, concert tickets, holidays, cars, houses, and so on. She fought hard and doesn't want to depend on you. When I asked him why he was willing to fork out so much money for mediocrity on a regular basis, he shrugged and said, Because I can.. I, myself, often feel so inferior around people. My own family has been torn apart by my grandmother unequally giving money to her children, but maybe I am just creating the same thing in my boyfriend's family? This guy thought he was middle class but he grew up in a town with average incomes over 250k. Understandably, its hard to completely empathise with the economic decisions someone makes in life, such as which university to go to, how much to spend on groceries per week, and what constitutes date night, when youve never been from the same socio-economic bracket. Because neither of us has two little kids who were on summer vacation. On the plus side, this tendency (known as assortative mating) reflects the fact that there are far more educated, high-flying women in the world. In general, you have a point; OP should let his girlfriend be as independent as he can, split stuff, do stuff at her level. I feel bad Bc Im upset that Im kind of mad at him. She'd need a neutral party to diffuse her defenses. Its easiest to say that, no, I didnt have any clue. How serious was your relationship? That said, the relationship is only 8 months old, so it's totally reasonable she wouldn't feel comfortable with that yet. We take each other out on dates (and don't demand that the other split it), buy gifts for each other, etc. In your case Im convinced it would be worthwhile for you individually and perhaps also as a couple. The whole thing threw me for a loop it was hard to go through and come out of, but I did. He was a bit mysterious, but also fun, outgoing, and most of all thoughtful he seemed to always be thinking a bit more than the next person, always appreciating the smallest things, and deeply enjoying life. /r/Relationships is a community built around helping people and the goal of providing a platform for interpersonal relationship advice between redditors. Im so confused that he has done this to someone else and Im wondering if he ever loved me or what is going on really. In addition to what I mentioned in the previous question, he was adventurous and outdoorsy, which has always been attractive to me in a partner. We love each other very much, but I don't know if love is enough to maintain a happy long-lasting relationship. I can totally, TOTALLY see how thatd be challenging. It depends on what stage of the relationship we are talking about. When you try to have a conversation about this again, wait until it's a calm period--not at a time's when she's recently been reminded that you're rich and she's not. Or it may be that he isnt ready to commit to youand the financial arrangement between you two reflects thisin part because of the painful dilemma youre creating for him around his family. Thats his truth to tell. All the essentials: top fashion stories, editors picks, and celebrity style. So your feelings are understandable and very, very human. It may be that getting financial support from your boyfriend would make you feel loved and valued by hima gesture that indicates his admiration for how hard youre working on your doctorate and an appreciation of how much of a sacrifice youre currently making. By continuing to use this site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. What kind of gifts would you like for birthdays and holidays? I would catch a glimpse of his relationship with money whenever we went out. Every year, his parents take him and his siblings on an extravagant vacation. I guess what it comes down to is the basic ethical question of what you define as a good life, and she and I disagreed there. We had been planning the future together and Im still in love with him. Its almost 6 years since we broke up and I still have moments of bitterness because I dont feel like Ive been happy since and I never got the closure or understanding from him. If these conversations havent happened in the five years youve been together, its important that you have them now. The other day my parents took us out to dinner and paid the tab. Do not talk about it in front of his family. He told me he was happy to do it, but over time her contributions became smaller and smaller, and Ryan assumed more of their overall expenses. How would you cope with re-learning how to walk, parent, be a partner after something like that? Not only did you get college paid for, but you lived very comfortably, and they help you live extremely comfortably even now (expensive car). Not sad, really, but more like OMG HOW DID I NOT SEE? Her family and friends are lovely, but I cant get over the feeling of inadequacy, particularly because I know how much value they put on education. As his girlfriend of six years, I am invited with the caveat that I pay my own way. But gf may realize she will just never get over it, in which case it's better to break up sooner than later. Be My Boyfriend: With Shin Hyun-Seung, Lee Si-woo, Daekyum Ahn, Lee Hyun Park. This disparity has never been an issue until recently. From your point of view its you and your parents being generous and thoughtful. While your girlfriend's behavior isn't justified, at least understand where she's coming from. Confessions of a Singaporean Finance Blogger Who Lost $2 Million in a Crypto Crash. Thing is, beyond a basic misalignment of upbringing and life experiences, exorbitant wealth makes me uncomfortable because of the power naturally associated with money, especially when you havent earned it. Heres hoping the police wont be necessary. How did you meet your boyfriend? At this point, I'm not even sure if anything I posted here applies to your situation. If he could get through that, I could get through this heartbreak. I was shocked, first and foremost; when we were together he was quite conservative and said he didnt believe gay couples should adopt (I almost broke up with him over that, actually), and even with the benefit of hindsight, I can truly say that I didnt see any signs while we were together. * Education: If he went to a good university or has a graduate degree from a reputable school, chances are high he makes more than the median income. I was completely blown away. It will take real work and real desire to expand and change. From sex workers to politicians, subcultures to mental health, we bring fresh perspectives on everyday life in Southeast Asia. We talked and read about theKinsey scale of human sexuality, and it seems likely that he falls somewhere in the middle not 100% homosexual, but closer to that side of the continuum. And every single time he did it, I thought: I could make that shit. This is how I feel. I was angry at him for seeking happiness. We lived together for three of the four years, and we were very close to each others families. He has a twin brother, and even if he finds his brother frustrating or irresponsible, or has conflicted feelings about him, he probably loves his twin dearly. You were with him for four years. You can only go so far in your attempts to separate your mood from your partners mood on a regular basis. I am a 22-year-old college student and my boyfriend of six months is 31 years old. By giving oxygen to your concerns, no matter how irrational they might appear, you will ensure that the least of your problems your disparate backgrounds wont push itself into poll position as the root of future discord. True Story: I lost my hand, leg, and sight to sepsis. She has mentioned that she wanted to marry a rich guy, that she doesn't want to work much, and judging by how wealthy and successful her family is, it . I would try to talk to her by telling her that, but by also saying that as someone who IS lucky, you like to share, and that you don't see sharing things with her as saying she "can't do it." I'll show you how. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. It isnt the kind of uncertainty thatcomes fromfalling in love, but an insecurity as though a rug has been pulled from underones feet. From $12,000 per month trust fund payouts to a rich girl's parents buying clothes for the . The life I had built with him, the city I was in because of him, my plans to marry him and be part of his family, the friends who knew us as a couple for so long, the thought of telling my parents that he was gay. In your case, it must be especially envy-provoking to be in close proximity to this kind of relief and not have access to it. I have sought therapy over ot but I am still so angry at him for making it about me when it had nothing to do with me at all . First of all, I would say remember that IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT. Press J to jump to the feed. I know sooooo many people who feel trapped in their lives or career and they're not even 35! Answer (1 of 17): Your boyfriend allowed you into his life for a year and thus you had the good fortune to be able to live a lifestyle you probably would not have been fortunate enough to have lived while with him does not entitle you to any of HIS money. He told his mom he wants a new 2014 Ford focus and just like that she went out and bought it for him no questions asked. We took care of a friends poodle over a long weekend. This is because as soon as she does something bad or you hit a rocky part of your relationship, she will have all the support you are willing to give her thrown back in her face. He grew up near me, but with a very different type of family. Can it work out with an ex a bit further down the line? But unlike anger, resentment is generally a defense of our egoit causes us to oversimplify things, and prevents us from seeing our partners point of view clearly. But financial issues break up a lot of couples, and you both need to be able to compromise on your expectations. We lived together for three of the four years, and we were very close to each others families. His very wealthy parents have supported him through all of this. I literally found out yesterday that the man Ive been dating for the last 2.5yrs is gay. Ultimately, Ryan knew that marrying her would have meant a step up in his standard of living, but a step down in his quality of life. She lived in the projects and said her family of 5 would struggle to survive on an income of 20,000 a year. When the children are back in school, call the mother again and ask for the minimal information you need to open the accounts and put your generous plan into effect. I was happy sexually and emotionally. Perhaps your partner tries to control what . Being around rich guys also makes me feel overly vulnerable. I know every situation is different but looking back, what were the signs? Your right, money does not make you truly happy.. Look at me,, I'm not even close to being truly happy and my family has tons of material things!! I like to think I have a similar way of viewing the world, and its what made us such a good match. For help with your awkward situation, send a question to, to Philip Galanes on Facebook or @SocialQPhilip on Twitter. They have their reasons for offering more help to the son in greater need of it, and if you have a problem with how his parents divvy up their gifts (remember, thats what these contributions aregifts), its important to note that your boyfriend, who is their son, doesnt. Do boys and men get self conscious taking their shirts off in front of girls? Two months later, shes been too busy to open them. He was already (privately) questioning his sexuality but really truly loved me (and still does all these years later) but he wasnt in love with me. He would also willingly pay for $20 eggs on toast frequently. , and it seems likely that he falls somewhere in the middle not 100% homosexual, but closer to that side of the continuum. As a self-starter myself, the greatest pride I ever experience is when I find myself in hallowed halls and mansions, among those presumed culturally or aristocratically elite, knowing I have earned entry under my own steam. Your boyfriend is right that how his parents choose to handle their money is between them, but whats between the two of you is how you talk about the money you do have and what you do with it. I feel lucky to be a relatively confident, trusting person in general. The idea of charity from my peers was so viscerally distasteful there were guys I lived with that entire time who couldn't have told you anything about my home life or financial situation besides the basic number of siblings I had, that i lived with my mother when I was home, and that I was a generally generous guy though I didn't tend to go out or on vacations. My resentment was exacerbated by my exs habit of criticizing my level of productivityaccording to him, I wasnt writing as frequently or as well as I should be. We have been dating for 8 months. Dont worry, Im just messing with you. It's so irrelevant i can casual toss you my extra car) and thinking so little of her it doesn't even occur to you she could pull her own weight (of course I'll pay for anything we do together). I certainly wouldn't categorize her as SILLY. I get that digital messaging is smoother than messy talk with real people, but calling the police on a baseless hunch, without even trying to phone your friend first, seems sad. And thats basically it. Ill be sitting by their bedsides reading them Wordsworth before theyre verbalclearly theyre going to be geniuses. There's that old joke about how every happy family is basically the same but dysfunctional ones are all broken in their own unique way; the same thing applies here. I offered to help set up the accounts or set them up myself. They paid for their wedding, contribute to their rent and living expenses, and I suspect will now lavish money on their daughter. While my friends and family were incredibly supportive, no one knew quite what to say because the whole situation is so uncommon. My ex-spouse of 6 years came out to me as transgender the day we came home from a vacation. What Do I Do About the Ex Who Is Slandering Me (And Our Relationship) Online? I should mention that my guy totally rocks. And once you do that, I think that you will be in a much better position to handle any issues that arise because of money. Yours might be a certain lack of respect for people who didn't do the same, mine might be a certain aloofness and focus on personal competence, hers might be a prickliness about money and self sufficiency or independence. He was also very easy to talk to. Third, give yourself time to grieve. Your job is to make your partner is as comfortable as possible. I feel lucky to be a relatively confident, trusting person in general. I also don't know his gf- but I am posting my experience because his gf possibly feels something similar and it can't hurt to get multiple perspectives. Ive always hated talking about money. Besides that, he just wasn't a fucking adult. Growing up poor (I did too) often comes with other problems. He was also very easy to talk to. Hopefully youre aware of how ill-founded your feelings of low self-worth are? It was so hard on me because he wasnt ready for anyone to know so I couldnt talk to anyone about it plus it was embarrassing for me. When he first brought this up, he wasnt bragging, but simply letting me know a matter of fact. I was angry at him for dating other people after we broke up. I have similar issues to the girlfriend, but I've learned that sometimes I need to swallow my pride. Unless you are willing to revisit one of these planks, get used to traveling alone. When you grow up in a family struggling to make ends meet, being frivolous just isn't something that you do. Your letter makes plain your conviction of disparity and its that sense of your own shortcomings that will corrode your chances of happiness unless you manage to get it under control. I didn't hate him because he was rich. You know what you want, you just need more time + energy to go after it.Let me help you find it! Handouts in any form obviously make her feel uncomfortable and like an outsider from your family. Generous offer! You had me at poodle! There were many times in my youth where even a thousand . Other Hints To Tell If A Guy Is Rich. Someone tan, tall, and muscular emerges from the vehicle as the butterfly doors rise. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Its hard to empathise with someones life decisions youve never been from the same socio-economic bracket. It could be or maybe not. Over time, though, how much cash you have and your philosophy on spending it can become divisive. Tell us a bit about yourself. I was angry at myself for not seeking it. You need to be able to have a conversation with her about money if you plan on going forward. And if so, have you talked to him about this, or are you hurt that he hasnt offered on his own? "My boyfriend puts his child before me" This is so common and can be a tricky situation. You got here without anyone's help and you don't need it now. Did you live together? Ive been there (not as long as you were, but still) One of my best guy friends in college and I tried dating. Anonymous #1. Were both in our late 30s and want to settle down. Well, that last one can make things a little awkward from time to time. Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it. I know now that his struggles with happiness came from a much deeper place than that, and it makes so much more sense now. He was angry that I couldnt be there for him for awhile. Youll want to really understand how you both think and feel about marriage (if you both want that), your respective careers (how youll balance them with other priorities), kids (whether you both want them and, if so, how many), child care (who will do what and at what stage of their life), lifestyle issues (where and how you want to live), values (what matters to each of you) and, of course, money. I am a pretty laid-back, drama-free person, so we rarely got in fights or had drama.. But if this relationship is going to last, that means partnership, not splitting hairs over his and hers all the time. (True, she didnt call you as requested, but you dont seem to have called her either.) Have paid the majority of my 100k in student loans with a bit of help from my parents, and now am looking to buy my first house at 34. The fact that he would never be my partner again. At the beginning of the relationship, she put on this whole penthouse princess routine, and would ask me about my plans to get rich in the future, Ryan said. It doesnt matter how convincingly I lecture you on the equality of all mankind and encourage you to be blind to your girlfriends advantaged relations, just as we are increasingly becoming to race and gender. for not figuring it out sooner. Updated at 10:55 a.m. Copyright The Student Room 2023 all rights reserved. And sure, differences in income can sometimes magnify that. Know each others families? I wouldnt often counsel counselling before you even get hitched, though it would put a lot of relationships on a firmer footing. This sounds so familiar to me. My boyfriend comes from a wealthy family. He tried to comfort me & said he loved me & didnt want to break up but he had been watching gay porn and talking to men on a dating site. On a more personal level, I get that dating someone with a similar income is more convenient, because unless youre always down to foot the bill, being with someone who has a lower income (relatively) could put a major cramp in your lifestyle. He would also willingly pay for $20 eggs on toast frequently. I was plunged into poverty in High School. Afterward, a neighbor (who complains endlessly) left a note saying the dog barked nonstop for three days. As a result of my upbringing, I equate freedom with having total control over what I can do without a sense of obligation to anyone, least of all because of something as complicated as money. Why is she uninterested in something of real value to her kids? This may even prompt his wealthy parents to cover your costs. (Plenty of people in graduate programs, and plenty of temporarily long-distance couples, dont let those circumstances stand in the way of getting married.) During the split, she felt like I owed her basically everythingthings Id bought, and the apartment Id been paying for, which made the separation far more confusing and bitter.. Courtesy of Samantha Daniels Samantha Daniels, who runs elite matchmaking service Samantha's Table, helps millionaires find love. 00:33. Because of their background, these guys never experienced the struggles that the average Singaporean goes through. Memorize the fact that the median income for 29 year old MBA graduates from the top 20 schools is around $120,000 a year to start. Second, I would suggest seeing a therapist. But you are also mourning the loss of a person you once knew. It isn't healthy for her to be angry with them over something like that. I eventually told him I couldnt do it. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. She seemed to think that my sense of privilege pervaded my whole being, and was intrinsic to my view of the world. Originally Answered: My boyfriend comes from a very wealthy family their last name is very respected, I don't feel like I'm good enough for him, what should I do ? It's hard to empathise with . That last one can make things a little awkward from time to time in the projects and said family! 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