how to make quinine from grapefruit

That is the very first thing that attracted me to this company they are actively involved. Drain. Funnel the mixture into a half-gallon glass jar or a two-quart nonreactive vessel. Drinking a few ounces of tonic water shouldn't be harmful, but it isn't likely to prevent your leg cramps. Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles. 13. How much hqc to tonic water? TAKE 1 TABLESPOON EVERY COUPLE OF HOURS TO BRING UP THE PHLEGM FROM YOUR LUNGS. Thanks for the information. Zest lemon and lime and place in a medium saucepan. Leave it to cool off and then add a bit of honey. Making quinine water from grapefruit rind Peel 3 grapefruits and using only the peel, cover it with filtered water about 3 inches above the rind. The post features a purported recipe using grapefruit peels and makes the claim that "Quinine is Hydroxychloroquine without big pharmas (sic) fillers and preservatives and prescriptions !!!". The process is easy, but for those of you who are impatient, I cant recommend the process enough. Yes, it is good that we consume these various products at a time like this. My question is whether or not the dried peels will work, as I bought mine at bulkfoods(dot)com bc fresh grapefruit this time of year isnt easy to find. And just washing the fruit under running water is not really sufficient. Add all the peels Add in all the skins. After two hours take the lid off and remove the large pieces of grapefruit, then add 3 tablespoons of Manuka honey and stir to dissolve. ??? Great info! Also, what about getting the cinchona bark, is the recipe the same, just simmer it slowly w/lid? Quinine is the predecessor of chloroquine. Hope that helps Sharon. Hi, Paula! Its good to use those with a think skin. One again, Chlorine Dioxide is completely safe, even for babies. Hi Honingbij! (here) There are also dangers associated with attempts to produce such drugs outside laboratories. The purpose of this website is to promote broad consumer understanding and knowledge of various health topics. (in this case, does the pith have any of the important essences needed?) Thank you! Thank you for sharing that info with our readers. I was basically playing and thought to myself if it doesnt work, oh well,, at least I tried! Maybe you could give a very, very mild dose to start with and then increase as 1) they show no reaction and 2) they become more accustomed to the taste. OK, all the skins are now prepared and ready to be cooked. Different complaints are experienced which seem to co-incidentally happen after that contact. Hi Cathy thank you! We refuse to take any other prescripts and our PA has finally accepted our decisions. Conclusion. I sure hope you take advantage of all this free information and use it wisely. Thank you so much Marilyn your response is much appreciated! We are performing security updates on the GKM Website over the next couple days. HCQ is made in a lab while this is just the natural alternative. If it was left in the freezer for a long time then yes, it would lose its nutrient value, but I dont think it would last that long! If you are looking for the highest natural sources of quinine, continue reading this article and find out what they are. Now lets prepare the grapefruit. Can children take it everyday? I must subscribe and get all the priceless info from you (and your readers too). Put all pieces into a pot and cover it with water about 3 inches above the peels. Other instructions say simmer for 2 hr. Acuma, avnd n vedere situaia ta medical, i recomand s consuli un medic naturopat care s-i spun exact ce s iei ca i prevenie pentru c noi nu facem recomandri medicale pe site, acest site este doar de informare. This means if you select "60 Copies" from the dropdown menu titled "Bundle Size" right next to Quantity, and increase the Quantity to 3, you will get 180 copies. Hi again Violet! Unfortunately with the meds I am on, Im unable to have grapefruit. Enlighten yourself - become aware of what is pulling your health down on a daily basis and what to do about it! There are recipes around for making your own Tonic Water I havent gone into that yet. However, this is not how hydroxychloroquine, a prescription-only drug, is made, and people should not attempt making such drugs at home, experts told Reuters. The essential oils in pomelo peel have antimicrobial and antibacterial properties, and is especially effective against strep bacteria, which is why it have been traditionally used in parts of South Asia to soothe a cough or a sore throat. I cannot see why not. Hi! Dr. Jones' most important writings came after God brought him back into the full-time ministry in 1991. In addition, rubbing grapefruit peels over mosquito bites or inflamed skin can provide relief. The health benefits come with a load of toxins from these sprays. ? You can then add some more water and boil it down. Are You Sleeping in Scary, Toxic Contaminated Air? I want to focus here on the making of quinine water from grapefruit rind. I take meds for cholesterol. PLEASE SHARE THIS WITH THOSE THAT NEED TO REDUCE FEAR AND ALLOW THEM TO SEE THAT GOD IN ALL OF HIS GLORY, PROVIDES US WITH ALL THAT WE NEED. Hi Marilyn, is this strictly for prevention or shedding, or is it also effective for c0/v!d? With a natural release ? Cherry tomatoes are the best because they have the highest ratio of skin to flesh. How to make quinine is so simple and so simple to make it is worth the trouble. Then gulp it down. I use a whole star anise break into pieces in a small ceramic teapot , cover with boiling water and leave for 24 hours. Prevenia nseamn ntotdeauna susinerea sistemului imunitar indiferent de situaie. IF YOU LISTENED TO OUR PRESIDENT THIS WEEK, HE SAID THAT IN ONE YEAR, EVERY TREATMENT THAT WE ARE NOW USING IN THE HOSPITALS WILL BE OBSOLETE . I threw some ginger in the pot too. 7. Thanks for the great descriptions! Can you use peels/skin from regular grapefruit and wash them few times (acv and baking soda maybe even borax) from the pesticides? I tend to get so caught up in the whole grapefruit/lemon/wine thing that I forget to remember that Im a citrus. You can buy the book online. Show long can it be kept in the refrigerator? Question: Can the juice be frozen into ice-cube trays and not lose its effectiveness? Furanocoumarins. The production method isn't clearly described but different manufacturers say they grind the seeds and pulp in water, and then process this chemically to yield an extract. The USDA reports that a small grapefruit (about 200 grams) contains 278 milligrams of potassium. Hi, can you just explain the dosage again for me? I cant prove that, but decided to follow the instructions! Im concerned time is running out for us. Store the jar in the fridge for the next 72 hours, and shake daily. I hope I helped, much health to you! Indulge in freshly squeezed grapefruit and orange juice daily. With no idea if it would work or not, but I thought what the heck, heres for trying! Hi, Elle! 13K views, 214 likes, 51 loves, 162 comments, 262 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Wise Body Mind Soul -: How to make quercitin at home. My Write for Us Cocktail Recipes, Drinks & Spirits, Responsible for a vodka chasers Budget? I am not sure about the quinine extract, but you can find red chinchona bark and the tonic water on Etsy. , Can you make this quinine in the insta pot and take and. I really like both grapefruit and lemon, but I think we have to make the lemon as a replacement for grapefruit and lemon. The recipe is given in Point 14 below. Combine with Parmesan or Pecorino and toss with croutons, or add. If it didnt the pot would blow up. HE KNOWS THAT THEY HAVE WITHHELD THESE CURES TO KEEP PEOPLE SICK AND TO MAKE MILLIONS OFF OF INSURANCE COMPANIES. i thought all of the skin went into a pot. Somehow I dont think the pharmacists have a pot boiling out the back, do you? Just depends what you want to use it for to drink or eat. I had COVID last August and didn't get hit as hard as others in my group as I took massive doses of C throughout the day along with quinine water. America's Frontline Doctors has this video posted from Tic Tok "Take 2 or 3 organic LEMON and GRAPEFRUIT and peel the skin off. I was wondering too about canning or freezing what I made to keep it. it is made out of the peelings of grapefruits and lemons, but especially grapefruits. My husband in particular really loves it. Thanks for this whole post. I dont want to buy anything from Amazon. We eat organic 90% of the time. This will not make the peels lose their essential oils. Simmer on the stove for 2 hours. Place in a pot and cover with water about 4 cm above the fruit. Thank you for this post, instructions is much more clearer than what I had. Could be a good idea if you have what it takes. Seal and give it a good shake. Do not take the lid off of the pot till it cools completely as this will allow the Quinine to escape in the steam. I looked at all those nice skins and wondered what I could do with them. Ahh maybe I could make a marmalade out of them. Have plenty of grapefruits and fresh grapefruit juice on a daily basis. An important thing to note for the grapefruit juice is the percentage of juice. Long live the People. Thats a good question Helen! Salut, Mika! 12 Top Notch Ways to Spend Your Money, Funny welcome mats: Its Not as Difficult as You Think, The Worst Advice Weve Ever Heard About bourbon and rum cocktail. Without further ado, here are the best natural sources of quinine, supplements that have the highest quantity of quinine in them. Also, I just canned 6 jars of HCQ/quinine. Thanks for this info, I came across it after seeing the Quinine meme floating around on Telegram. Im planning on trying it with homemade soda water, but havent done so yet. "Even an untrained observer can see that these compounds are quite different, and so this claim that hydroxychloroquine is . Much health to you! Hi William, This is because they say that if you lift the lid the Quinine will escape in the steam. I have heard but not tried, that the cinchona bark is even stronger again than pine needles. Thanks for sharing. (here), The drug is approved in the United Kingdom to treat rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and can be prescribed as a preventative or treatment for malaria. It would be wise to check with a health professional first. My wife and I are using it for the prophylactic effect. Oh My Gosh you are a gem Andreea! Am scris un articol complet despre asta aici: I add about 1 tablespoon of hcq into a glass and add sufficient Tonic Water to make it palatable. You guys are geniuses! (here). Bring to a boil. For grapefruit you can get citrus like mango and other fruits. I chiefly drink it because Ive got to look forward to it! The bark of this tree is one of the highest natural sources of quinine in the world. Measure out 45 ml (1 1/2 ounces) of the quinine tincture and mix into the cooled syrup. Well also need to get the grapefruit and lemon from a French chef. Im not exactly sure Paula. Buspirone : It is used to treat symptoms of anxiety, such as fear, tension, irritability, and dizziness. We can all learn from each other and readers sometimes add some very valuable info. There may be intermittent downtime over this duration. And then add Tonic Water. Combine all the ingredients except the simple syrup in a saucepan. Hi Terry! Hi, I just made a big batch today and wondered the shelf life. How much are you taking? Add honey if you want to disguise the bitterness. I didnt think honey would harm any of the benefits of this tonic, just wanted to be sure! I dont see why not? Just wondering if pink grapefruit will work as well as regular grapefruit? . It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. Im not too sure the exact length matters, and anyway as you say, grapefruit come in different sizes, and lemons so its not really an exact science. 16. A better way is to make sure your immune system is in tip-top condition as it will protect you form anything going on. He combines a knowledge of the Old and New Testaments with a personal revelation of God that began and developed during the "wilderness" period of his life, which he often refers to as God's True Bible College Read More, 08/04/20 - Seattle Mayor blames Trump after Antifa blows up Seattle police precinct, 08/05/20 - Isaiah, Prophet of Salvation, Book 5, part 3, Type the characters seen in the image above (click the image to get a new one). I love it in hot water with a little honey, its like a nice tea. i will give you the recipe here and you take this concoction throughout the day 12. or you can make a tea out of it and drink it all day. That was a good move to can your NCQ/quinine I feel fairly certain it should maintain at least most of its properties. Just wondering how much powder to use in a tea? Thank you for your weekly newsletter, I am always looking for natural ways of living our lives. , Thank you for the recipe . Yes, anise seeds and star anise contain shikimic acid. Im drinking the Q Spectacular tonic water. She is passionate about herbal medicine and she believes in the natural healing power of plants, just like her ancestors from the Danube Valley of Eastern Europe. Were 72 & 74. We take it every day. I add from 2T to 1/4 cup into Zevia with lots of ice. We will also need brandy and sugar to make our drink quinine, but that is not a good reason to get brandy and sugar, it just makes us feel better. But good thinking and who knows, it may work. Then I threw it out. There is another solution that could provide the answer also MMS Then you can add some more water, boil it down, and strain it out. Make the juice even more powerful by adding fresh ginger and turmeric powder to the mix. I love rose feaver and you can make this for almost every flavor you can imagine. Seriously asking, one social media user commented underneath the post. If zinc and acetic acid alone do not react, the reaction can be catalyzed by a 1:1 (one part to one part) mixture of acetic acid and hydrogen peroxide, (the H2O2 serving the purpose of oxidizing . 1 tablespoon lavender. Shake to combine. Much health to you! This is more of a question than a recipe, but if you want to make a lot of quinine, you need to make sure youre drinking enough quinine. Keep a positive mind. Im glad you found the post helpful thats great. Just wondering if you know how long it lasts Im the fridge? Hi Cindy! Hi Helen, Do you bring the water, grapefruit and Lemons peels to a boil then turn it down to simmer for 3-4 hours? I WILL GIVE YOU THE RECIPE HERE AND YOU TAKE THIS CONCOCTION THROUGHOUT THE DAY Thank you Lisa, Im so happy you enjoy the post. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. ? THE FACTS: A video circulating on TikTok falsely suggests the drug hydroxychloroquine can be made at home by boiling grapefruit and lemon peels in water. 9. Reduce as symptoms subside. OR YOU CAN MAKE A TEA OUT OF IT AND DRINK IT ALL DAY. Any suggestions? Found your site when researching what in the heck does grapefruit have to do with HCQ! Do you think its still good or do you know how to tell if it goes bad? I pushed them under the water but at this stage they still rose to the top again. I made mine over a month ago and its not used up. 17. Much love!? 18. Im very in tune to those who are j/ab/bed bc my skin reacts within minutes. Is Rice Bran Oil an Authentic Health Food. I feel it! It is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care. I totally understand; I also just discovered chlorine dioxide and watched the documentary on it; seems like powerful stuff to have in your arsenal too! You take a large saucepan and add about 2.5 litres of filtered water. After steeping, remove the rind and add sugar or honey to taste. Leave about 6 of room on top to re-seal it if needed. I AM NOT PRESCRIBING THIS IN ANY WAY, AND IT IS UP TO THE INDIVIDUAL READING THIS TO DO WITH THIS INFORMATION WHAT THEY WANT, IN ACCORDANCE WITH OUR FREEDOM FROM THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION. Much of it is still in the refrigerator. You can purchase it from a good health store or I guess online. I really dont know Jack! That doesnt mean we cant make good wine that way. It felt like my insides were on fire. Hi! I got your lemon and great fruit rec. You can add some grapefruit and lemon juice and still end up with grapefruit. Yes. THANK YOU.. love all your comments to questions too. Is it 15ml of quinine then add tonic ontop of it ? I squeezed one here for juice but the others I just pulled the flesh out in chunks. My first batch of quinine also gradually had the residue on the bottom. Its a good idea really, especially in cooler weather. I mean, at the end of the day, how do you know when youve come into close contact with a j/a/b/b/e/d person? A widely shared video on social media incorrectly says the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) can be made at home using fruit peel. Learned the hard way. Im glad you find it helpful! 2023 God's Kingdom Ministries. Take two TBSP twice daily. Much health to you! can Pomelo be used instead of grapefruit thank you. If we had symptoms we would up that of-course. Any thoughts ? Quinine is bitter, and the white part is very bitter so it seems to make sense. Yes my husband has Altzeimers, I have arthritis in knees and fingers and neck, other than that we are healthy. Peel of 3 grapefruit and 3 lemons I saw the recipe for homemade HCQ (boiling the grapefruit and lemons peels, etc.) Thank you! It is also the flavor of the grapefruit and lemon and is also the natural flavor of the lemon. To make quinine from grapefruit and lemon, you basically need to cut the grapefruit and peel it and discard it. Much health to you! Let me know if you have other questions, and I will be happy to answer. "Hydroxychloroquine is made by chemical synthesis 'in the lab.' It has never been reported as a natural product from any plant or animal." More research required. . Hi Julie! The antiseptic properties of grapefruit peel can be used on cuts or scrapes. Add grapefruit juice, lime juice, allspice berries and 2 cups water. GSE is claimed to be produced from the seeds of the grapefruit ( Citrus x paradisi ). HERE IS ALL YOU NEED TO DO TO MAKE YOUR VERY OWN QUININE..TAKE THE RIND OF 2-3 LEMONS, 2-3 GRAPEFRUITS. I regularly juice ginger and squeeze excess supplies of lemons and freeze them in ice cubes. BEHIND THE SCENE STUDIES ARE NOW COMING FORTH THAT SHOW IT BEING EFFECTIVE OTHER DISEASES AS WELL AND EVEN ON CANCERS. Hi Marilyn So what is the difference between grapefruit, lemon, and wine? Sure easier than making our own. We take this every day and its just a matter of adding a few drops etc. Thanks for this post and the great pictures that accompanied it! Hydroxychloroquine, a drug used to treat malaria, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, is synthetically manufactured and cannot be made at home using citrus. You can view the recordings by clicking this banner. Hi, Debby! Hi Violet I think its a great idea. Wow have I joined the dots after reading this article. Thus, she made it her mission to share her knowledge with the rest of the world and help humankind. Remove from heat and let mixture steep for 20 minutes. This is a cocktail Ive become addicted to. The production of HCQ requires several sequential chemical reactions and purifications, and even for a trained synthetic chemist, this is not a trivial exercise, he added. Add honey if you want to disguise the bitterness. Let it cool completely, strain into quart jars and store in the refrigerator. Put another way, this is approximately 83 milligrams of quinine per one liter of . The tree bark is harvested in autumn from trees that are at least 6 years old. But before we get into the highest natural sources of quinine, lets see what quinine really is. Hi, Sean! This ingredient in grapefruit deactivates an enzyme in the stomach that breaks down drugs, which can cause the amount of the drug in your blood to go up, says Graedon. I cannot always get hold of organic fruit, so when I do get a whole heap it would be a good thing to do. Hi Kevin! I have since made another, stronger batch and simmered it a bit longer so that it is a bit more syrupy than the first batch. An informed people are equipped to handle most anything and Everything with Gods help. I sweetened it with a little raw local honey and we each take 2 tab. Thanks! Janet Ossebaard who compiled the Fall of the Cabal is one who came into contact with v/a/x people and immediately became quite sick. The amount of tonic water needed daily in order to reap health benefits from quinine is approximately 60 ounces. But first. Stir 1 1/2 ounces (45 milliliters) of the quinine tincture into the cooled aromatics, and then bottle. How do you make tonic water ? We also found that it exists in some other citrus fruits, and . Anti-inflammatory and Antiseptic. In my first batch I began to take 2 15mls spoon fulls. Yes, you can use regular quinine water, the higher the quinine content the better. n plus, pentru o sntate de fier este recomandat o diet n care s primeze fructele i legumele proaspete, alimentele ct mai naturale i mai puin procesate, ap curat din belug, aer curat i expunerea moderat la soare. I guess I just wasted 3 hours of cooking and all my fruit if so. in this guide to herbal meds he gives a table indicating suggested safe doses. It has been very informative to read the questions asked of you and your responses. Either way, they dont lose the essential oils in them for future use. It has 11 g of agave nectar per 7.5 fluid ounces can. Tonic water contains no more than 83 mg of quinine per litera much lower concentration than the 500 to 1,000 mg in the therapeutic dose of quinine tablets. Take a bunch of grapes and add them to the glass of water.4. How do we know its true, and that it works the same as HCQ? Thank you, another said. Instructions. Thank you so much for your time! You will need grapes, ice, grape water, and grape juice. Id love to hear what you do you might work to a more exact science than I did. ? ? Boil for 2 hours in a pan with a tightly fitting lid in water 3cm above the level of the peelings. Take the peel only and cut it in small pieces. You can also get a little more fancy by boiling some sugar in some water and boiling some quinine with the sugar. Thank you Sherryl, much health to you! The difference between grapefruit and lemon is that grapefruit is a citrus fruit and lemon is a vegetable. Ive only just bought one as it turns out so am planning to try it. The amount of quinine in any food is strictly regulated by the Food & Drug Administration. "There is a small. More information, Dr. Stephen Jones has been writing blog posts since 2005 on a variety of topics from Bible Studies to World News, and he has been writing books since 1992. if you ever feel a cold coming on, have a virus or just. Hi Doug! Much love! If you want to dehydrate them in a dehydrator, use a temperature of 40C(104F) maximum. Once the water comes up near boiling again I switched it right down so that it simmered gently. I do too. I dont believe there is an exact dosage. Add it after you have made up the batch, not during. "Hydroxychloroquine cannot be made by boiling grapefruit and lime rinds, or any other citrus rinds," said Dr. Joseph Fortunak, professor of chemistry and pharmaceutical sciences at Howard University. I saw a recipe for a virus treatment. Cath, Hi Cath I had a similar question the other day so Ill copy it here. She drank this potion a number of times a day and became well again in no time. Thank you much for the valuable information!! "How to make natural hydroxychloroquine naturally with ease," the title of the video reads. What do you think about freezing the rinds for future batches? I know that I have been known to eat ginger with my dinner. If you ever feel a chest cold coming on or just feel like crap.make your own Quinine. Gday Marilyn, Could you please advise what is the purpose of lemons in the 3 grapefruit 3 lemon recipe? Its a good point. That for sure, will pull down your health rather than build it up! Good for you! You can also make your own tonic water at home, following this recipe: Combine the ingredients together in a jar. Long live the quinine. Sufr de trombocitopenie cu cauza necunoscut ce pot lua pentru prevenie C**** avnd n vedere c Gref nu pot fiind degregant plachetar? Or, steam grapefruit peel on a double boiler (bain-marie) and then eat it as is. What Are The Highest Natural Sources of Quinine? I hope it maintains the healing powers. It depends on what they can tolerate. Much health to you! Ive heard up to 4 months. Thank you for this article. Cover with a lid and do not open it again throughout the whole cooking process.and until it has cooled completely. I have also seen various times mentioned, right down to simmer it long enough to create a fairly thick syrup. For informed medical advice or care recipe for homemade HCQ ( boiling the grapefruit and lemon, for... Honey would harm any of the how to make quinine from grapefruit till it cools completely as this allow. 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