how to calculate spring constant of rubber band

Energy Because the rubber band is not ideal, it delivers less force for a given extension when relaxing back (unloaded). Since the slope of any line on a graph has units of the vertical axis divided by the horizontal axis (slope is defined as a ratio of the change in the vertical axis divided by the change in the horizontal axis), the slope of the line-of-best fit tells you the # of washers per meter of displacement for the rubber band. Calculate the standard deviation of the length. The spring constant, k, is the gradient of the straight-line portion of the graph of F vs. x; in other words, force applied vs. displacement from the equilibrium position. The stress is the amount of force applied to the object, per unit area. Relating graphs of experimental data to given equations C21 Physics Teaching for the 21st Century,,, Teacher Feedback: How I use C21 in my class, $A$ = Cross-sectional area of solid [m$^2$], $F$ = Force applied to elastic material [N], $L$ = change in length of the elastic material [m]. If the initial point is (x1, F1), and the 2nd point is (x2, F2), the slope of that line is: This gives us the value needed of the spring constant, k. Despite the sign in the Hookes law equation, the spring constant is always greater than zero because the slope in the Hookes law graph is always positive. Direct link to Lucky's post In a stress-strain graph,, Posted 5 years ago. Hookes law is named after its creator, British physicist Robert Hooke, who stated in 1678 that the extension is proportional to the force. The law essentially describes a linear relationship between the extension of a spring and the restoring force it gives rise to in the spring; in other words, it takes twice as much force to stretch or compress a spring twice as much. Did the rubber bands stretched to 30 cm launch farther than the other rubber bands? This is mainly the cross-section area, as rubber bands with a greater cross-sectional area can bear greater applied forces than those with smaller cross-section areas. Design a separate activity to test each of these variables separately. How do these variables affect the distance the rubber band travels? prove how energy/volume =1/2 stress.strain. Since you're stretching two of them, you'll feel twice the force, so $$F_2=2F_1=2k_1x=k_2x$$ Is 0.6m just the maximum limit to how far the bow can be pulled back? Recalculate it without rounding ( I could have put the values in my calculator wrong, so if you get the same value maybe it's me who made the mistake!). The equation for elastic potential energy relates the displacement, x, and the spring constant, k, to the elastic potential PEel, and it takes the same basic form as the equation for kinetic energy: As a form of energy, the units of elastic potential energy are joules (J). However, after the limit of proportionality for the material in question, the relationship is no longer a straight-line one, and Hookes law ceases to apply. 2. We can use common household objects to measure properties that match physical laws. The stretchability of solid materials is expressed as their Youngs Modulus (a.k.a. Students will use iSense software to record the displacement of a rubber band as weight is added. Question to think about: The strain is the relative change in the length of the solid ($\Delta L/L_0$). Here, you can see that PEel = 50 J and x = 0.5 m. So the re-arranged elastic potential energy equation gives: A 1800-kg car has a suspension system that cannot be allowed to exceed 0.1 m of compression. Similarly, you can re-arrange this equation to find the spring constant if you know the work done (since W = PEel) in stretching the spring and how much the spring was extended. Exercise 3: Figure 3 shows a stress vs strain plot for a rubber band. The spring constant formula is given as:if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,100],'easytocalculate_com-box-4','ezslot_4',150,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-easytocalculate_com-box-4-0'); F = the normal force applied on the spring in Newtons (N), k = spring constant, in Newtons per meter (N/m). The frequency of vibration is 2.0Hz. Have your helper draw a small chalk circle where the rubber band landed. Decide how far you want to stretch or compress your spring. (e.g. . Stretch it by a distance $x$ with your hands. Find the slope of the Force-Extension Graph. Lets return to rubber bands. Someone please explain, thanks. For each, $\Delta F=-k\Delta x$. After launching five rubber bands at a given stretch length, measure the distances from your line to the circles. For example, Springs are elastic, which suggests once theyre distorted (when theyre being stressed or compressed), they come back to their original form. Determine the displacement in the spring, the distance by which it is compressed or stretched. Its inclination depends on the constant of proportion, referred to as the spring constant. A typical Youngs modulus value for rubber is 0.01 GPa. In earlier generations, wind-up mechanical watches powered by coil springs were popular accessories. Yes, rubber bands obey Hooke's law, but only for small applied forces. Metric ruler This is equal to one half the mass (of the rubber band) multiplied by its velocity (in meters per second) squared. Elastic Constant), $Y$. How do you calculate Youngs modulus of rubber? Create your free account or Sign in to continue. Within certain limits, the force required to stretch an elastic object such as a metal spring is directly proportional to the extension of the spring. First, find the spring constant of a rubber band. deformation) by 0.15 m. Calculate the spring constant. 6. The straightforward relation between the restoring force and displacement in Hookes law has a consequence for the motion of an oscillating spring. Measure the change in length and the original length for each rubber band; also record the physical properties of each band. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. How do you calculate rubber band force? The line-of-best-fit need not pass through any of the data points. The loads should always be in Newton for the consistency of spring constant units. Once points are plotted, draw a line through the points that are nearly crossing all of them. We could feel the heat as we pulled it, but not as much as when we unloaded it. 123 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10160. Shoot at least four more rubber bands in the same way, stretching them back to 10 cm on the ruler each time. Calculate the spring constant. The size of the relationship between the extension and the restoring force of the spring is encapsulated in the value the spring constant, k. The spring constant must be understood and computed to represent what amount of force is required to elongate a material. Direct link to Anoushka B. The concept of elastic potential energy, introduced alongside the spring constant earlier in the article, is very useful if you want to learn to calculate k using other data. Suspicious referee report, are "suggested citations" from a paper mill? Calculate the spring constant by dividing the force with the displacement measured. A bouncy ball, compressed at the moment it bounces off a brick wall. But I could be wrong. How mich a spring extends will also depend on the spring constant of the spring. (Because the amount of time that the rubber band spends in the air is dependent on its initial height and force of gravity, and these factors should not change between your trials, then how far the rubber band flies depends on its initial velocity.) Applying Hookes Law Both springs and rubber bands have a special property: It takes more force to stretch them the farther you pull. Shoot more rubber bands in the same way, except stretch them back to 15 cm, 20 cm, 25 cm or 30 cm. The mass of the object is 1OOg. Youngs modulus, also referred to as elastic modulus, tensile modulus, or modulus of elasticity in tension is the ratio of stress-to-strain and is equal to the slope of a stressstrain diagram for the material. If some of these points do not fall on the line, something can be wrong with the spring or weights being used. Its important to stress again that Hookes law doesnt apply to every situation, and to use it effectively youll need to remember the limitations of the law. Elasticity of the rubber band is defined as. Each spring can be deformed (stretched or compressed) to some extent. Calculate the energy. Consequently, after you graph your data, you should see a roughly linear relationship between the stretch length and the launch distance. In question 3, why is the heat energy = stress * strain * volume, instead of stress* strain * volume * .5, or am I missing something? It means because the spring force will increase, the displacement will increase, too. Theyre in pens, mattresses, trampolines and absorb shock in our bikes and cars. I am trying to figure out how this would be measured if I am wrapping it around a rod (as pictured). So can you guess one way to test how much energy a stretched rubber band contains? How can I explain to my manager that a project he wishes to undertake cannot be performed by the team? The negative sign in the equation F = -kx indicates the action of the restoring force in the string. That's not what springs do. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. The energy that makes this mechanical system work is provided by a person who pulls up the rope. If he useed 250N and produced an extension of 0.6m, the spring constant would be different (in which case the bow would probably be made in a different shape or size or with a different material). Stretch it by a distance x with your hands. Vertical and horizontal gridlines at 0.05 units. To plot the points on graph, suspend the spring vertically from a hook and record its extension with the help of a ruler. If the force was constant, you wouldn't have a spring. Energy Conversions: Potential Energy to Kinetic Energy from FT Exploring Science and Technology How do you convert Youngs modulus to stiffness? Therefore, a solid with a greater value of $Y$ will stretch less than a solid with a smaller $Y$, when the same force is applied. This allows us now to make predictions before we do an experiment. Direct link to Anuj Suresh's post Dude it not 2.9. However, it can also, to some extent, describe the stretch patterns observed for rubber bands. Additional Questions. Explore our digital archive back to 1845, including articles by more than 150 Nobel Prize winners. More to explore There are four springs on the truck in exercise 1 (one per wheel.) For linear springs, you can calculate the potential energy without calculus. With the chilled drink calculator you can quickly check how long you need to keep your drink in the fridge or another cold place to have it at its optimal temperature. You can follow how the temperature changes with time with our interactive graph. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? The spring constant is a numerical representation of the force required to stretch a material, and Hooke's law asserts that this force depends on the distance stretched or compressed. Where F F is the force, x x is the length of extension/compression and k k is a constant of proportionality known as . Explain it in terms of the structure of the band, if that is relevant. In alternative words, the spring constant is that force applied if the displacement within the spring is unity. The only additional step is translating the mass of the car into a weight (i.e., the force due to gravity acting on the mass) on each wheel. Physics Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for active researchers, academics and students of physics. This is equal to one half the mass (of the rubber band) multiplied by its velocity (in meters per second) squared. It is different for different springs and materials. In a stress-strain graph, is the stress plotted always (force applied) / (original cross-sectional area of material) or is it (force applied) / (cross-sectional area of material when that force is applied)? I need help figuring out what the spring constant for the rubber Or you could say the force a band pulls back is proportional to the stretch distance. You'll feel a force F 1 = k 1 x, where k 1 is the spring constant of a single rubber band. Divide the tensile stress by the longitudinal strain to obtain Youngs modulus: Is stiffness the same as Youngs modulus? Direct link to Andrew M's post If the force was constant, Posted 5 years ago. Therefore, the slope of the line-of-best-fit of # of washers versus displacement will be the value of the spring constant for the rubber band in units of washers per meter. This student stretched rubber bands and observed that the spring "constant" changes as time goes on.He's only in his first year of physics, so get excited! So the question tells you that F = 6 N and x = 0.3 m, meaning you can calculate the spring constant as follows: For another example, imagine you know that 50 J of elastic potential energy is held in a spring that has been compressed 0.5 m from its equilibrium position. Can you define an equation that expresses the relationship between potential and kinetic energy in this system? Physics But if we stretch the band slowly it might follow Hooke's law and have spring-constant value. Lee Johnson is a freelance writer and science enthusiast, with a passion for distilling complex concepts into simple, digestible language. The main problems I have with your experiment and data is that your significant figures and error propagation calculations are off. (3) k = Y A L 0 Is it ethical to cite a paper without fully understanding the math/methods, if the math is not relevant to why I am citing it? In our earlier analysis, we have considered the ideal spring as a one-dimensional object. We then put the thumbtack in the wall and hung the rubber band on it 3. In other words, it is how easily it is bended or stretched. This limit depends on its physical properties. When deformed beyond the elastic limit, the object will no longer return to its original shape. 's post The way I understood it, , Posted 6 years ago. To understand this you need to appreciate how a helical spring works. Combine multiple rubbers bands and analyze stretching action. The good news its a simple law, describing a linear relationship and having the form of a basic straight-line equation. How do the graphs for Hookes law compare? What is the spring constant of rubber bands? Have your helper circle where each lands. And why are the two variables directly proportional? Figure 1: The work done by a force on an ideal spring. I measured and recorded this new length. x is the displacement (positive for elongation and negative for compression, in m). Are there conventions to indicate a new item in a list? Discover world-changing science. We reviewed their content and use your feedback to keep the quality high. When we are stretching the string, the restoring force acts in the opposite direction to displacement, hence the minus sign. Metric tape measure PROCEDURE 1. Use caution to shoot the rubber bands out in front of youand make sure no one is in the flight path! Tie two washers to the string and measure the new length of the rubber band. Hookes law states that for elastic springs, the force and displacement are directly proportional to one another. If you've ever been shot with a rubber band then you know it has energy in itenough energy to smack you in the arm and cause a sting! This is equal to one half the mass (of the rubber band) multiplied by its velocity (in meters per second) squared. Thank you! Rubber is a member of a larger class of materials called elastomers and it is difficult to overestimate their economic and . @2022 EasyToClaculate | All Rights Reserved, Gravity wont change the rigidity of the spring so that it will be the same on other planets, After removing the stress, material will come back to original position that is called elastic deformation. Rubber bands are elastic solids and can be described with Hookes Law (Eqn.2). k = spring constant [N/m] L = change in length of the elastic material [m] If you compare the two equations, you will find (try this as an exercise) that the spring constant k contains Young's modulus Y (which describes the material), the length L 0, and the cross-sectional area A of the material, can be related as in Eqn.3. The value of the spring constant corresponds to the properties of the specific spring (or other type of elastic object) under consideration. Measure how far you stretched the rubber band with a ruler and record the length, in meters (m), as your displacement ( x ) Release the rubber band and record how far it travels in meters.. The equivalent to the force vs extension curve is the. Determine the indentation hardness of a material using the Brinell hardness number calculator. But "work," in the physics sense, takes energy. Using Hookes law is the simplest approach to finding the value of the spring constant, and you can even obtain the data yourself through a simple setup where you hang a known mass (with the force of its weight given by F = mg) from a spring and record the extension of the spring. F denotes the force, and x denotes the change in spring length. Now take two rubber bands, and hold them side by side. To log in and use all the features of Khan Academy, please enable JavaScript in your browser. Plot the graph of the # of Washers versus Displacement in excel. This is my data and 5, dot, 10, start superscript, 4, end superscript, space, N, slash, m, E, n, e, r, g, y, slash, v, o, l, u, m, e, equals, start fraction, 1, divided by, 2, end fraction, left parenthesis, S, t, r, e, s, s, dot, S, t, r, a, i, n, right parenthesis. Feedback to keep the quality high unit area law states that for springs! Or stretched obey Hooke 's law, describing a linear relationship and the! 'Re looking for return to its original shape Exploring Science and Technology how you! Modulus ( a.k.a is how easily it is compressed or stretched: is stiffness the same as modulus. Depend on the ruler each time can I explain to my manager that a project he wishes to can! As Youngs modulus value for rubber is a question and answer site for active researchers, academics and students physics! 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