acceptable reasons for leaving a teaching job

Want to make sure that youll ace the interview and land the job? When the weekend winds down and those Sunday Night Blues start to creep in and you cant bear the thought of another week, then you arent enjoying your job the way you are supposed to. Find out what your character strengths are and lean into those strengths. Not sure if teaching is still what you should be doing? ", The Balance uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Are you considering other positions in other companies? Jeff Bezos Career Advice. Regardless of why you left your job, dont speak badly about your previous employer. Your company makes such a valuable contribution to XXX and I would love to be a part of making a difference to XXX ", " I value my ability to make a positive impact with the skills I have, and I am really interested in doing this in the role of XXX ". Thats what I put and I got the job., I was 100% honest and said I wanted a better work/life balance. I am applying to this position because I was made redundant ", " My job role moved elsewhere and because of my situation I was unable to move with it ". I used to be able to use my creative skills to create enjoyable learning experiences for my students - and never thought I would need another job ", " Recently in many schools, the focus has changed from creativity to exam / test performance, and I no longer feel like the job reflects my beliefs about what education should be ", " my school (or district) have reassigned me to work XXXX and I have decided to apply for alternative work as a result ". I got the job., I worried about this when I was interviewing. Or maybe you learned everything you could from your current role, and just stopped growing as a professional. You'd like additional compensation. You can pitch your application as a planned move from teaching into a new area, which you have invested time (and possibly money) into - proving your commitment to your new direction. Thats HUMAN NATURE. Decide what reason you'll give. If you left your job without a solid reason, chances are, you might do the same in the job youre currently applying for. what career ouside the classroom is right for you? You Got a Better Deal From Another Company #4. 3. In fact in my last interview I think they answered the question for me giving me a chance to be very positive., I was asked this at interview and said that the pandemic for me, like many others, made me reflect on my life and what was most important to me., I just put change in career. Now, lets talk about the most common reasons for leaving a job (which you can answer if you get asked this interview question). Teaching can be a very difficult job. You close every other sale call you get on. You are stagnating in your current position. Often, people do not move on from a bad situation because they suffer from low self-esteem. Do you want a resume specifically geared to impress the folks who hire teachers? If you find yourself being short with loved ones as a result, your patience with work may be running thin. Why leaving a job after 6 months can be daunting. They dont want to come across as lazy by talking about the increasing workload, or weak by saying that their health suffered due to stress, exhaustion and/or mental health issues. However, finding the right role and company are important for both employer and employee. I had to leave my position because of family circumstances. When completing the Previous Employment section in application forms, one of the sections you may be asked to complete is your reason for leaving. The position you have available includes responsibilities in line with how Id like to develop my teaching skills. And its a fallacy to think youll be able to make it work. "Job Openings, Hires, and Total Separations by Industry, Seasonally Adjusted. I have plans to travel for the foreseeable future. When we are focusing on negatives, we may speak poorly about our current work environment, fellow faculty members or students. Because, yes, these are totally acceptable. You're seeking career advancement. The idea of moving jobs to seek a new challenge can make you appear motivated, and not phased by change. It didnt seem ethical to use my former schools time to work on my own personal career goals. In some cases, youre fired at no fault of your own - the manager didnt like you, or the expectations for your role were too high. Teacher burnout and work-life balance are the main reasons cited as to why teachers quit. By exploring the reasons behind a job move, a potential employer is attempting to uncover whether or not you're leaving on good terms, whether you left for a good reason, your career goals and what your work ethic is. Applications often state subject to satisfactory references. If you have to change priorities in your life because things change - this is a perfect justification for leaving a classroom job or starting to look at a new career. They must provide teachers with access to affordable therapy, coaching, and other resources that foster well-being. Family circumstances may also be a factor. I am ready to explore a new trajectory on my career path. You got a new job. I need honest people working in my building if I am going to accomplish anything. And, considering how expensive replacing an employee is, who can blame recruiters for wanting to hire the right candidate? You dont have to do this on your own.With the help of an HR expert with over 10 years of experience and a team of former teachers, Ive created a guide to support you in the early stages of your transition out of the classroom. Try not to appear resentful or suggest that you were unwilling to try and adapt. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. COBRA is a federal law that may allow you to continue your employee health insurance for a limited time; however, you will be responsible for paying the full cost along with any administrative fees. This is a rational reason for leaving your job. Here are some reasons which are perfectly acceptable for job change. This justification for changing career comes across best in a job application, if you can demonstrate your ability to rise to challenges in your previous employment. Your career survival depends on it. Often these kinds of life changes are accompanied by a change in priorities too - which easily justifies the application to work somewhere new. Their reaction was phenomenal and since then I have spoken to the lady who interviewed me as she often works out of our local office and she has commented a few times that that answer could not have been more perfect. Being tactful will help you leave your job gracefully and remain on good terms with your soon-to-be-former employer. Undoubtedly, the acceptable reasons for leaving a job have changed over the years. Heres how you can answer the interviewer: OK, this ones a bit tougher than the rest of the reasons. If you want to explore new career paths, are craving a change in your life, or just feel like doing something new, thats okay. Your previous role did not offer any opportunities for professional growth. : if you quit your last job because it didnt allow you to grow as a digital marketer, the recruiter understands that this is your #1 priority right now. This reason for applying outside of education justifies your change of direction by citing personal circumstances as a reason why you are looking at new opportunities .. for example: We all go through periods in our lives when our circumstances change and we need to adapt to them. One of the biggest mistakes that we see teachers make is that they try tonavigate this process alone. My real reason never goes over well, so that is what I plan to say., I was advised to say why I wanted the new job not focus on why I wanted to leave teaching that way its all about the new role not about getting out., I want the opportunity to spend more time/develop my skill of **** which I particularly enjoyed as part of my role as a teacher., Definitely refer to the opportunities the new post provides, and definitely DO NOT mention anything negative about the job youre in.. Good and acceptable reasons for leaving jobs on an application. 6. Your email address will not be published. As a recent graduate of my administrative leadership degree, I want to use my next positions educational background. 1. Whichever the case might be, its a completely valid reason to want to switch jobs. This can be very effective, as successful job applications provide evidence of links between the skills of the applicant and the job being applied for. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. When a job is misrepresented or changes midstream, you may find yourself doing routine tasks and uninspiring work. You Left a Demanding Job Because You Were Feeling Burned Out. Only use this reason when factually correct in doing so. Teaching, for me was about the children and I lost the love when I felt the children became simply a cog in a much bigger wheel.. In this post I want to give you 7 good reasons for leaving a teaching job for your resume or CV .. to give you the confidence to apply for jobs outside the classroom. You wanted to switch to a different industry. For example, I have gone on to work in mental health so I talked about things like supporting with MH in the classroom, wanting to go back to my roots in my undergraduate degree, wanting to work on a 1:1 basis to see that individual impact more than a large group setting, etc. You Dont Get Along With Your New Boss or Supervisor, #8. Comment below. Summary dismissal You can be. Dissatisfaction with peers is less common, but candidates still express this as a valid reason for leaving a . Examples of reasons for leaving your current or previous company: You want to switch careers. And third - they want to understand what you value in a job and what your aspirations are. Suddenly, your job becomes mundane or frustrating when it is supposed to feel fulfilling. This step-by-step guide has helped thousands with a transition from teaching. Keep it positive when youre resigning and when youre discussing your resignation with prospective employers. If you fail to do this, you risk sounding like you are applying to a different area for negative reasons - and would likely not enjoy the new job either. If you keep your response positive and tie it into your desire to be successful in the position for which you are applying, youll be able to navigate this challenging question with tact and resourcefulness successfully. Redundancy is a form of dismissal and is fair in most cases. I wont be returning to work after maternity leave because Ive decided parenting is a full-time job. Maybe you were working in your dream company, but after it merged with another company, things just werent the same. After all, being fired is quite a red flag for most recruiters (even if you got fired unjustly). I decided to take advantage of Covid and the worsening mental health of teachers to say simply that I wanted a better life balance after teaching through the pandemic., Teachers are leaving in droves its no secret, and workload is mentioned all the time as a reason. Undoubtedly, the acceptable reasons for leaving a job have changed over the years. If you know, you will likely have to explain a firing, contract non-renewal, or layoff, have a short answer well-practiced. How to Fill In Reason for Leaving a Job In a Job Application, #2. Be prepared to explain how this has changed your circumstances and altered your priorities in a positive way .. and how the new start you are making is something which you are doing for positive reasons. Applying for or completing a training course prior to making an application, is also an excellent way to demonstrate relevant experience in a new area .. and make being selected for interview many times more likely. How many students and families you have helped, over many years .. but that now you feel the time is right to broaden this impact elsewhere. Secondly, they must address all the other issues on this list - from pay to stress to resources. Best Reasons for Leaving a Job. Youll always be a teacher even if its not your job title. Choosing the right reasons is hardTop personal reasons for leaving a jobList of Reasons for Leaving Your Job (Job Application or Interview)Organizational ChangesPersonal ReasonsCareer AdvancementBack to SchoolMaternityJob AspectsFamily & Health IssuesGood Reasons for Leaving on a Job ApplicationExample of a Bad ReasonHow to Answer "Why Did You I would be happier with a job that offered me more responsibility. Let the interviewer know you were not fired for poor performance. You wanted a job with better benefits and compensation. Often, they put off researching until the very last minute. Now, there are three things recruiters are looking to find out with this question: First, they want to know if you were fired (and if so, why?). 2023 DAPHNE WILLIAMS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Stop yourself from doing this by keeping your answer short and sweet. Be completely ready to effectively verbal when asked. Boredom: "To be honest, I get pretty antsy any time I stay at a company for more than a couple of years.". Career change (new industry) Better compensation. According to a recent National Education Union survey, 80% of classroom teachers have seriously considered leaving the profession in the past 12 months because of their workload. Youre going to get asked why you want to leave a job in 3 different contexts: Heres how to explain each of these 3 situations: No, you dont have to specify why you quit a job in a resume. If you can make the link between the skills you have and those required to do the job - your genuine interest in the opportunity available, is a good justification for a change of careers. E.g. I want to help you get some clarity in the options available to you. My company was restructured, and my department was eliminated. 5. You have more skills than you think, you just need to find the right situations. 18. Dont find yourself in a place of regret by staying too long. Acceptable Reasons For Leaving A Teaching Job. Keep in mind; you can make a brief explanation dont elaborate too much. A lack of work-life balance that is negatively impacting your family and social life is a big problem can lead to negative consequences. You did not get the promotion that was promised to you. Second, they want to understand why you quit your last job in case the reason you quit is something that applies to the company youre applying for, too. Which sets them up for a very stressful application season. Good answer: "My team recently downsized and the scope of my responsibilities narrowed. As long as you also (and ideally primarily) say why you want the new job in particular, I dont think it should be an issue., When I went for my current job, I was asked exactly this. Thus, it may proceed to leave a present job and pursue an academic richness. It depends on the situation. 2. Ive found a lot of people know someone or are an ex teacher themselves and completely understand., Career change, develop new skills, personal development., I said that I felt I had stopped learning, and had hit a ceiling in terms of progression. You're Looking for a Different Work Arrangement #5. Maybe they hired someone externally, or they promoted someone that wasnt as qualified as you are. Next post: How to Become a High School Principal by Gaining Required Qualifications, Previous post: A Teacher Job Search Checklist to Determine if You Need Help, Candace Alstad-Davies | Email:, Fax: 775-593-3556 | Toll Free: 1-877-738-8052 | Local/Intl: 780-513-0010, Prices & Services | Free Newsletter | Privacy Policy | About Us | Contact. And since replacing an employee takes time, effort, and money, it only makes sense for the recruiter to want to be sure that youre not going to quit on them, too. Butone thing to keep in mind is that the reason you give a prospective employer shouldmatch what your previous employers would say if they are contacted for more information about you. Aging parents, newborns and blended families complicate many people's schedules. All Rights Reserved. You are looking for new challenges in the workplace. Youre Looking for a Different Work Arrangement, #5. If this isnt a good reason for leaving a job, we dont know what is. I still absolutely love teaching but I have found that over the years it has become less about the children and more about targets and numbers which is not me. You can mention in your application how driven you are by the impact you have made for so many years in the classroom. My previous job didnt allow for the flexible schedule I needed to care for my children. You went into teaching because you have a good heart. Always. There are several points to consider a leave of absence from work, including the following: Jury service. When we take work stress home, it can negatively affect our sleep, exercise and eating habits. I am ready and eager for a. If you have several job-hops, tell an employer about it in short. Increased Family Commitments. ", Because this reason allows an applicant to gloss over any negative aspects of the job they are moving away from, it can be tempting to try and make it fit the application you might be making. Relocation. Good luck in your search for alternatives to your classroom job. When asked this question on the interview, keep the following tips in mind: And finally, this interview question isnt end-all-be-all. So, your answers need to be congruent. Stress Management for Teachers: 5 Strategies to Implement TODAY! 7. Dr. Marie Morganelli May 3, 2022 Advance with a Degree If you tell your interviewer that your last employer was terrible, that they didnt pay you enough, the hours were awful, and you hated the job, this will leave an awful impression. Specifically, they learn if the candidate got fired, what motivates them, and if their reason for quitting also applies to the company theyre interviewing for. Your goal every day should be about how you can make yourself and everyone else around better. Short and sweet able to make it work I had to leave a present job and pursue academic... Job and what your character strengths are and lean into those strengths will help get. 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