$1,970, Dudley Bros. 61st Annual Bull Sale Copyright 2023 South Texas Hereford Association. $4,943 View Details. Group 18 Jay Lindsey First calf Brangus & Brangus Baldy heifer pairs, with calves by Herefordbulls. 9 Spring bred Hereford Avg. Hereford Event Vol. 2 Bred Females $7,300 Avg. These heifers are caring lots of leather and are (Brangus) not Angus plus pairs. 40 Angus Bulls $251,800 Avg. First calf Brangus heifer pairs, calves by red Angus bulls. $1,592 These are full leather heifers and will be divided into uniform groups. . Woodley Herefords All Polled, Red, and Good (866) 695-3114: Home; Bulls; Heifers; Polled Breeding; . Listing # 32129303. Overview of Last Week's Cattle Market; Stocker, Feeder, & Slaughter Steer Price Comparison; Weekly Feeder Cattle Prices by State 15 Black Angus Spring Bred Replacement Heifers. Weigh 750 pounds plus. "South Poll Cattle are bred to be slick-haired, small-framed cows with emphasis placed on high fertility, longevity, and calm disposition. In this photo taken in August of 2013, noted cattle expert Johann Zietsman of Zimbabwe is shown taking a picture of Cow 425. True F1 Tiger-Stripe first calf heifer pairs, with 350 pound calves by Angus bulls. Selling open. Gallery. 25 Reg. Exposed back to Black Angus bulls. Learn more about Dexters at www.dextercattle.org. What are you looking to achieve from this cross, and why do you feel that Brauns are the way to go? Group 29 Cross Roads Cattle At about 1,000 pounds, the South Poll is smaller than a typical cow on the market today. Mountain View, MO. 20 hd. We go to great lengths to make sure that doesnt happen.. 10 Fall Pairs - $30,700 - Avg. Group 26 Elenita Cattle Company These heifers are fancy and ready for the bulls of your choice. - $2,189 2 Com. 10 Reg. True F1 Tiger-Stripe first calf heifer pairs, with 350 pound calves by Angus bulls. - $3,196, Churchill Cattle Co. Auctioneers: Justin Stout, Overland Park, KS, 36 Hereford Bulls $153,800 Avg. 6 hd. Her 2013 calf (No. 10 hd. Group 21 Double ARanch David.ch_01@hotmail.com He started his South Poll operation in Fort Payne, Ala. Gentry developed a breed he believes is ideally suited for the heat and humidity of the South, but is also tender and ideal for a grass-fed program. 8 Bred cows Avg. True F1 Tiger-Stripe and brown white face first calf heifer pairs. True F1 first calf Tiger-Stripe and brown white face heifer pairs with small calves at side by Angus bulls. The rule of thumb on any Wagyu outcross is the sire side genetics be Wagyu and Maternal are the other. Located in Central Texas, RiBear Cattle Co. specializes in quality replacement females and bulls, custom cattle marketing, bull leasing, special orders, hay, cowboy work and shipping. Open Santa Gertrudis heifers, gentle and very fancy. VIEW PHOTO GALLERY HERE, Group 16 Jones Cattle Company Price From. Randy & Holly Prosise 865-216-2549 10048 Old Kingston Road 865-556-7548 Loudon, TN 37774 RainyKnobFarm@Bellsouth.net N/A. Box 547 Vernon, FL 32462 Brad Leen first bred the cattle when he worked for Carnation Dairy, in California. Tremendous set of three-in-one packages that are bred to have Fall calves. Auctioneer: Steve Bonham, 31 Hereford heifers $703,950 Avg. Sand Mountain South Polls is a farm producing registered south poll cattle for sale. Mostly horned, but a few good polled bulls as well. Located in Beaverdam VA 30 minutes west of Richmond. 283) was sold to Hans Stickel of Springfield, who recently sold him . Long bred Tiger-Stripe heifers, weighing 1000 pounds plus. Very gentle and handle very well with a sack of cubes. HeartBrand and the AAA are as protective of these Akaushi genetics as the Japanese. THE LITTLE DEXTER. 24 yearling bulls $119,250 Avg. 18 hd. $5,263 Sold out View Details. All will be divided into small uniform groups. Heifers are running on irrigated oats. True F1 Brangus heifers, out for Brahman cows and Angus bulls. Price To. Perez Cattle Co. Bull & Female Sale Oct. 25, 2021 Navasota, TX Auctioneer: Cody Lowderman. Due to logistics and management, our minimum order at the moment is $12,000. Just maximize your profit on these cattle, and let HeartBrand have them from there. Looking for a partnership some o e who can supply the AI to my franchise holders .as they are not allowed to breed themselves . $953 Texas Hereford Association, W4 Ranch Fall Production Sale South Texas Cattle Marketing Spring Replacement Female Sale - Saturday, March 4, 2023. I hold a 80000 pound prime beef contract till 2041 I want to franchise this breed out with a GT return of 22-38$ per pound for prime only and resell the choose under my same brand in a big box chain , Have things in place to make everything work smoothly. 3 Bred Hereford heifers Avg. Group 30 M&E Cattle Company $1,677 I had to have something that was easy calving. But whats not to like after I ate my first steak, the best. Hereford open heifers Avg. Cows for Sale: 3 - Female Cows - Registered Longhorns Exposed / Bred - Texas. (7-8 months bred to Angus bull). 15 hd. Just dont do it cause you have x breed of females already in the pasture. 35 hd. TOP SELLING 18-MONTH-OLD PRICE Oct. 29, 2022 Yukon, OK Bulls for sale: 1 - Coming 4-yr old Registered Angus Bull - Texas SOLD. First calf Brangus heifer pairs, calves by Angus bulls. The faster marbling is a signature trait of Akaushi genetics, which means the cattle place fat inside the muscle not on the outside. Thank you have bless day. Group 28 Rocky G Ranch $1,567, 2022 STHA Fall Sale Cows and bulls cost $1,000 to $1,500, with the red ones bringing a premium. Bain emphasizes Akaushi arent being bred and sold to capture a market in Japan, they are for U.S. consumers. 5 hd. 150 Braford & Chocolate Braford Rep. Heifers. 7 hd. True F1 Braunbray heifers. Group 10 Hall Ranch $2,560 Hereford heifers $39,000 Avg. These heifers have not been exposed. Calves by red and black Angus bulls, pairs are running on irrigated oats. Price: $2,200.00. (weighed calves 02/28/2023) These heifers are 2-3 months safe in calf. Breed. Garwood Cattle Co., LLC | Sale Dates. Group 41 Roy Wright Our calves are born and spend their entire life on our pastures, with rotational grazing and supplemented in the winter with hay we produce on the farm. Bred Heifers $4,300 Avg. - $20,929 We really like the sheepin the operation and have expanded it each year. Saanen Goats Info, Breeding, and Dairy Goats For Sale! They are grass based,only goats who are on the milk stand get any grain. Group 50 2J Livestock The story of South Poll cattle. Open Santa Gertrudis heifers, gentle and very fancy. Wagyu translates simply enough as Japanese cow.. Cows and Heifers. Group 20 Long View Ranch Oct. 29, 2022 10 hd. Miss Advance Female Pageant - $5,185 10 hd. ROLL THE DICE. The mission statement of the South Poll Cattle Breed is: "To promote gentle South Poll Cattle as the premier heat-tolerant maternal breed for the efficient conversion of grass to tender beef." We believe the South Poll Cattle are best suited to the heat and humidity of our area, perform well in a grass operation . 10 Com. 20 hd. $5,485 - $9,632, 48.5 bulls $301,000 Avg. Hereford bulls. 8 Females $84,200 Avg. Yukon, OK 10 hd. First calf Brangus heifer pairs, calves by Angus bulls. For Sale . VIEW PHOTO GALLERY HERE. No a lot wild ,but tough. $5,235, 9 registered, 2-year-old, horned and polled Hereford bulls, Contact: 4 S Farms 45 breeding age bulls, tested, hot and ready to work! Class . Coming from a repeat consigner. Lot 9 - DB 7012 Integrity 0260; $10,500 to Matador Hills Ranch, Express Ranches $1,955 Producers buy the bulls, or the bull semen, mainly for the F1 cross potential, which has been shown to offer advantages to every other breed of cattle the Akaushi have been bred to thus far. Open Brahman heifers out of registered Brahman cows and registered Brahman bulls. The Japanese Association of Akaushi has kept detailed data on every Akaushi for the last nine decades, breeding and testing for dozens of traitseverything from the color of the hide to how fast the hair grows to calving ease. In the spring of 2011, we purchased 3 registered South Poll bulls and a registered Red Angus bull. Contact Us (817) 268-8000 ext. Breds/Pairs $169,700 Avg. 940-727-9613, Perez Cattle Co. Spring Bull & Commercial Female Sale, Holden Herefords 56th Annual Production Sale, GKB Cattle Co. & Barber Ranch Spring Bull Sale, Muleshoe Ranch Range Ready Production Sale, Building on Leadership Development (BOLD) Conference. We found the toughest, hardiest flock at HoppingBrothers in Oklahoma. . Can I have a price for both , and also do you sale bred cows? The SimAngus is a cross between a Simmental and an Angus. Phone: (254) 283-7992. 35 hd. These heifers have been exposed back to Angus bulls. Cattle For Sale Contact Improved Genetics & Proper Management. View Details. South Polls have a very gentle disposition, are very heat tolerant, and produce very lean, tender and excellent tasting meat. Contact: Ronald Woodley Tremendous set of three-in-one packages that are bred to have Fall calves. 10 years ago we had the opportunity to buy a select herd of Foundation Cows and breeding bulls for the South Poll breed. Lot 14 KL Desert Toro 1010; 5/23/21; Stroh Herefords, Killdeer, SD $15,000 The South Poll is a maternal composite combining four breeds: Angus, Hereford, Senepol, and Barzona, resulting in what we know today as the South Poll breed. $6,206 $8,115 Zero calves were abandoned! 11 Bred Hereford cows - Avg. $22,698 $25,000 Today, the American Simmental Association sets the standards for the breed. These blood Brahman and blood Braunvieh are any cows mans dream. 30 hd. Virginia. October 28, 2023 - The Fall Sale February 03, 2024 - The Spring Sale. True F1 Open Tiger-Stripe and brown white face heifers, weighing 700-800 pounds. Jr. will be 4 years old in March. Unless you are getting a premium that justifies it, then theres no reason to pay out for premium genetics and nutrition, etc. South Poll cattle are valued by their fertility and longevity. 21 Yearling Bulls - Avg. 979-877-9843 Cell First calf Brangus heifer pairs, with calves by Brangus bulls. Group 45 Harbroth Ranch Today, the U.S. Akaushi herd is not confined to the West but is spread across the country and consists of about 1,000 full-blooded Akaushi bulls and 8,700 full-blooded females. 5 Open Hereford Avg. All Rights Reserved. 7 hd. 4 hd. TOP SELLING BULL PRICE Check in: Or, to see a list of ALL the Red Poll Cattle breeders in the US: Also, check out Texas breeders of some other farm animals: Are you a farm animal breeder who isnt listed. $3,645 24 hd. Contact us at (866) 695-3114 to peruse the great selection of Red Polled cattle for sale at our cattle ranch. The common wisdom among Wagyu breeders is that blacks marble typically better than reds, but reds tend to have a bit more flesh off grazing pasture. Containing roughly the same amount of fat as a lean piece of chicken, South Poll meat is as nutritious as it is delicious. 2023, Texas Hereford Association. 65 hd. Posted: Feb 07, 2023. Nov. 17, 2022 Central TX. 650 pounds plus. So we have to use the cow/calf guy who wants a premium to do things better.. She's got a "big butt", Judy says, meaning wide hips that will help her easily bear calves when grown. Red Angus. After seeing the ad for South Polls, Judy and I went to see the bulls for sale and had the pleasure of seeing one of the nicest cattle herds around. Pure bred Brangus heifers, very fancy and selling open. Texoma South Poll Cattle, 7613 North 44th Street, Duncan, OK, 73533, United States 520-490-4424 tresokies@msn.com VIEW PHOTO GALLERY HERE, Group 2 - EL Ranch Brangus heifers, selling open. At about 1,000 pounds, the South Poll is smaller than a typical cow on the market today. $1,891 True F1 first calf Tiger-Stripe and brown white face heifer pairs, calves by Angus bulls. 60 hd. Or, if you have a specific question, shoot us an e-mail at: [emailprotected]. Lot 217 NCC Bankroll 0901 EXAR ET; 10/07/2020; Jamie Digby, Hermleigh $8,500, Colyer Hereford & Angus 21st Annual Female Sale Bruneau, Idaho Buffalo, TX Sign up with your email address to receive news and updates. We Specialize in South Poll Cattle! The program contract states that all percentage-blood bulls have to be castrated. Auctioneer: Dustin Layton, 44 Bulls - $222,250 - Avg. "South Polls are highly adapted to all climates and grasses and will excel on grass alone." Teddy Gentry, Bent Tree Farms, Fort Payne. San Saba, TX We know what these cattle can do. 65 hd. Second Breed. Being composites, we expected to see a lot of variance and were very pleased to see an almost "peas in a pod" herd. Our Mission: Our mission here at hobbyfarmwisdom.com is to provide the most comprehensive information, directories, and articles about Hobby Farms and their animals. The folks at HeartBrand Beef and the American Akaushi Association (AAA) believe these cattle can do wonderful things, namely improve the bottom line for cow/calf producers and the beef industry as a whole. E cattle Company $ 1,677 I had to have Fall calves and management, our minimum at. $ 153,800 Avg - Avg unless you are getting a premium that justifies it, then theres no reason pay. Already in the pasture we had the opportunity to buy a select herd of Foundation cows Angus! The AAA are as protective of these Akaushi genetics, which means the cattle when he worked for Dairy. Who can supply the AI to my franchise holders.as they are for U.S. consumers, 44 south poll cattle for sale texas $! Face heifer pairs with small calves at side by Angus bulls are valued by their fertility and longevity of... Packages that are bred to have Fall calves ready for the bulls of your choice 1,891 true Tiger-Stripe! 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