The police are hoping to file it as a crash report, but I am not sure how to go about things or where to take anything. The guy promised to pay for the damage but said he was broke at the time. Because while I was backing up from a parked spot, I saw the car coming but she was at a very good distance for me to be able to pull out taking my time AND FOR HER TO SEE ME PULLING OUT! In these situations, its not uncommon for you to file an insurance claim with your insurer (so you can fix the vehicle) and let your insurance company go after the at-fault party for the damages. In the meantime, be sure to keep copies of all your medical records and photographs. I clipped her and ended up with more damage than her. But this couple was still convinced I hit them. Other than that, things that might help you prove that the damages werent as severe as claimed include: the police report, photos of the vehicles, and witness statements. If the other driver is lying about the accident, we can help. . The scene of a fatal car crash after a police chase in Houston, Jan. 12, 2022. Any injuries? Iam nack home in ohio and cannot confront them about the run around they are giving me and the insurance company. I would recommend meeting with an attorney in your area to discuss your options. Generally, the insurance company conducts its own investigation and makes a determination as to fault. 5 days later he text me and said that never mind the damage was more than he thought and asked for my insurance information. Its unlikely that she would do so over such a small amount. Be prepared that they might not many policies have strict time limits for when you need to report a claim and if its past that time, they might not cover it. Make sure youre keeping track of your medical expenses and get in touch with an attorney in your area as soon as possible. The truck didnt seem to have any damage at all. After this, I asked to see if there was any way they could give me the name, number, or any form of identification of the at-fault driver, so that I can attempt to contact him myself, and they said they did not have that information, all they knew was that the at-fault driver was referred to as Jerry. ??? Perhaps theres someone who has the same name as you do who was in an accident and they couldnt track that person down effectively. I now remorsefully regret that decision as the grocery cart (which was full of groceries) was hit by the driver of the car which pushed the grocery cart into both of my knees that I had replaced within the last 5 years. I was hit on the back driver quarter panel by a dump truck. That is a thoughtless answer. Our dog went chasing them down the road. It sounds like your boyfriend was at-fault for the accident and therefore the innocent party certainly has a right to sue for damages. It came to me directly via certified mail with my name all over it, citing that I personally was the one who was driving and caused damage. It sounds as though the best way for you to recover damages for this accident is by consulting a lawyer. With that being said, it is time one would know how to write a police report in case things like these may happen. No police were called, damage wasnt too bad and no injuries. Other drivers or pedestrians on the street can state what they saw happen and verify your version of the events. Be sure to give the attorney you speak with any evidence you have of the other driver being under the influence (including the contact information for the witnesses). Best of luck! No damage to their vehicle that they could see. Car Accident Police Report Form. When meeting with the attorney, be sure to bring along the dash-cam footage. Whats the chance of this happening. My biggest issue is this: My insurance went up claiming I was at fault! Theres lots of reasons why someone might delay filing a claim, everything from being busy to being seriously injured. I was driving down the street an traffic came to a stop. Thank you very much. Thanks for sharing, YwnMelly. Hello, there. I would recommend talking to an attorney in your area. The most challenging part of your case will be proving that the other driver ran a red light and caused the accident. I was able to tail behind the driver long enough to gather the information for the car and provide it to the police over the phone. If you've been in an accident, call us at 704.749.7747 or click for a FREE CASE EVALUATION. Nothing on this site should be taken as legal advice. He also pulled off the road behind me. A lawyer can tell you whether you live in a traditional fault or no-fault state. You would only file a report If property damage was greater . Have you stopped to think, what if a pedestrian had stepped out in front of him? He called back 5 days later and said Theyre not accepting liability because he had the right of way, and due to me pulling out in front of him i was at fault. Why would she need my insurance card for an auto body shop? Im not sure of what to do since I never expected any of this to happen. There was no police report since according to the driver who called the police told me that the police told him since nobody was hurt in the accident they will not show up. In this . Regardless, youre able to sue the negligent party (whether its your friend or the other driver) for your injuries. After 2 days of calling my brother he told her to give him an estimate of the window replacement, but she refused and stop calling. They were very upset and when i mentioned calling police they went into panic mode and begged me not to since they did not have insurance because they just purchased vehicle(not new, very used). What Happens After A Car Accident With No Police Report? Use our free online directory to find an attorney. This just recently happened, but I was stopped at a red light, and this guy behind me crept up on me and lightly, and I mean as light as a feather, tapped the back of my car. I was backing out of a convenient store parking lot. I am trying to write the defendant answer myself but it is tricky. What should I do ? He spun me sideways on the highway and I was able to safely get to the side of the road. At this point in time I have lost motivation to be nice. The rules for reporting vary from state to state. The other good news for you is that most personal injury lawyers dont collect their fee up front. The other driver hit my son from the rear at 45mph. I got in an accident today. Officers are usually seen as objective (neutral) and official. If you refuse to pay, the driver may file a lawsuit and attempt to get a judgment against you (at which point, they can start procedures to collect the judgment). Please feel free to use the Enjuris law firm directory to find a lawyer near you. I question how is the police aid, who was not there, does not have the training to reconstruct an accident, is able to change my sons statement? Interested in our exclusive Partner program to grow your law firm? Anywayi took responsible for fault in the accident. Filing a lawsuit three days after an accident is somewhat unusual. Your brother was not responsible for the accident and therefore he is not liable. 2. If any of the following situations apply, the drivers must remain at the accident scene and report the crash to the police . Im sorry this has happened to you. Now I am being told by my insurance company that the driver is planning to file a lawsuit against me to recover all damages that they insurance company will not pay. P.m., apologized for not calling back and explained the reason I did not. In this case, your insurance provider would represent you (defend you) in the lawsuit. It sounds like you need to find another attorney willing to take your case. Is it because she was able to sue my insurance claiming she was injured? I wanted to report it but she said that she was not worried about it and that she didnt want to report it. 1. Yes, the individual can certainly sue you if you ignore them. Recently got into accident in a parking lot, I hit a parked empty car, damage to both cars was very small, but no injuries, clearly my fault. Usually, this is because the property damage is minor, and the client did not feel injured at the time of the wreck. Then i realized i have a dashcam and the collision was filmed, so i watched the video and now I think we are both to blame for the accident. These repairs would have extended by 10 years/80,000 miles the life of my car. The police was called at the time of the accident and both my daughter and the plaintiffs filled out a report which the officer kept in his possession. Well, she didnt move and I tapped her car. I stopped and called 911. 1. got his name and phone number also. Any death or bodily injury. She didnt want to call the police and file a report. My family is not one to sue, but I realize that my very life could have been taken in a flash. Determining who's right in a passenger-commercial vehicle accident. Need advice. I was in a car crash last december and just received court papers that im being sued. once I was inside I wrote a letter with my number on it and went back outside to leave it on their windshield. Court cases ride on credibility, and police reports provide a window into whether the plaintiff and defendant are credible witnesses. Just because the police dont show up to the site of a minor car crash doesnt mean you wont get sued by the other driver. Now the car in front of him the bumper had a dent and came off. My husband totaled our car a couple years ago, so I didnt want anything on our insurance. If not, shes certainly permitted to sue you. We did not exchange info or file a police report. No report filed and guy she hit said his damage was from previous incident said he would love to say she did it but said he was fine and left. Do I have to tell my parents about this or will it just blow over? My family member was hit, flew a few feet, 15 or so, some pedestrians moved him out of the road and called ambulance. Furthermore, you can sue or be sued over a car accident without a police report. If you lose your case, you don't have to pay your lawyer a fee, though you may be on the hook for some costs, like court filing fees. Most attorneys will provide an initial consultation for free. You may, however, want to take pictures of your vehicle so that she cant claim her vehicle was damaged worse than it actually was. Is it okay if theres no police report if she didnt want one/ no injuries? We are stuck because there is no way to prove that he was not directly behind my son, he had time to stop and go around as other drivers did. He said he would provide insurance but he never did. The cops were called anyway and he brushed them off and said it wasnt necessary. The statute of limitations determines how long he can wait to file a lawsuit (usually 2 or 3 years depending on the state). Boyfriend is very reluctant to pay out a cash sum without a proper appraisal of the damage, as this family member is not necessarily trustworthy. The next step is to get a medical examination as soon as possible. Does that help my side? It was a freeway exit so he took her to the nearest gas station to see if she was okay. He keeps yelling at me to the point, I ask, Sir, why are you hollering at me? He then says in his hollering voice, Im not hollering at you, Not like a did at a lady that went DUI at 4:30 this morning. If the request is made within the 60-day . What could I do if I dont want to accept that offer. We did and when I got out of my vehicle, my car auto locked leaving me without my license or phone. It doesnt sound like you reached any sort of valid legal agreement to pay a certain amount of money. Learn more about how an attorney can help with your car accident claim. I dont want to be sued if the insurance does not pay out. If you caused the accident, her insurance company can come after you for the damages. I was trying to make a right turn on the green light and turned slowly, then heard a loud sound and saw a cyclist at the place between the front of car and the passenger door (position around 1/3 of car). A whopping 4.8 million of these accidents, or about 72% of them, were categorized as property damage, meaning there were no injuries or fatalities. We didnt follow each other, had our emergencies on, or anything. Fortunately, most initial consultations are free and the attorney can give you a good idea as to the strength of your case. When his brother left he hit my nieces car but never said anything to anyone about it. Neutral witnesses (sometimes called "third-party witnesses") have no personal interest in the outcome of the case, which is why they can be the most important witnesses at trial. If the other person is at the scene, give them your name, address and your vehicle registration. I gasped and she said its from something else and not from the wreak BUT said her daughter (who has heart trouble and they had their dog in the car). I was sitting at a red light and a guy rear ended me. Thank you for reaching out. She doesnt think his brother has a license either. In any type of personal injury case, the jury is likely to think that the person suing (the "plaintiff") and the person getting sued (the "defendant") are biased because they have a stake in how the case is decided. What happen next?? 4 reviews. Should I contact my insurance? Minimal damage to his car and none to mine. 4 months later I get a letter in the mail saying I owe this associates company 3,000. My license is valid with no restrictions etc. A situation which sometimes comes up in a car accident is a case of he said/she said. In certain situations your case may warrant filing a lawsuit. Hello, there. You'll have to invest some time and effort to learn about the insurance claim process and write a demand letter, but chances are you'll be able to reach a fair settlement. She claimed there was on side of her car however, I hit her bumper! I was unable to get any information or license. Thanks for sharing, Dorothy. However, making a report might protect you in case the other driver does intend to pursue it later. I wasnt sure if the damage was gonna be huge because it just seemed like thered be a couple of scratches. I bumped another car from the back and a slight scratch was on it. The scratch was very minor we left our phone number and email as a contact. The police were not called out and insurance was not exchanged. I told the cops what happen and the didnt treat the way the should have, I scared as heck, it was cold outside so I went to seek medical attention at a hospital near me. Our family policy doesnt cover me as a driver. He stated everything was okay and is now months later trying to get me to cover the damage. Couldnt he just get his vehicle fixed through them? what should i do? She may have gotten my license plate number. He said hes fine, hed already gotten an estimate and the damages to fix the vehicle were 2-300.00 and that hed let me know by the end of the following day what the cost would be to settle! Without seeing the complaint, its hard to know what youre being sued for, but its possible for you both (you and your dad) to be defendants if he is the vehicle owner and you were the driver. He took pictures and got her phone number thats all. Their insurance company is contacting me for my statement of the accident. She said the driver that hit her was impaired and uninsured but when I called to get the report with the number she gave me the number was false and theres no record of my car being in an accident. Then when traffic was due to move a little and my husband inched forward our trailer did do some damage to the pick up truck. An officer will prepare a police report with crash-related details, statements from those involved, and other important information. His brothers were drinking hard alcohol all day and right before it was over, about a handful of people were yelling, fighting and someone called the police because it was so late. My husband, 2 granddaughters, and I was in the yard when a man and his young son came riding by on motorcycles. Now she said she is going to take final steps since i didnt complete the agreement even though we never filed a claim or signed anything to prove anything although i do have videos of me paying her. Most likely, the insurance company (or the driver) will simply contact you via telephone. The papers we got served are not even copies as they are perfectly clear but because my dad is old school and not tech-savvy then he would not know about the court date as it is not listed on the served paperwork as I had to look up the case myself online to find out that there is indeed a court date of april 4th and I was just hoping for some help as far as what to do as my father lives with me and if he had an accident rear ending someone, I would have clearly seen it on his vehicle but he is never even in that area let alone how they used him to sue is something I dont understand as it says nothing about the specific vehicles or plate numbers. You need to report an accident to the police by dialling 101 - the police non-emergency number - within 24 hours. I was able to get the name and phone number of the driver from her sister. My husband was able to put it back on for him and tied it with a bungee he had in the car. Chances are that witnesses to the accident arent personal friends. Instead of making a police report the boss of the truck driver said hed give me $1,000 and fix my wheel. The longer it takes you to report the incident, the less credible you look. As for the police officer, your family member can certainly sue for damages. I have no police report because I thought he would fix my car by now. Highly unlikely, I can see insane people deliberately wrecking their car for this but no one in their right mind would critically injure themselves just to obtain money in a lawsuit that they arent even guaranteed to win. He never filed a police report and we really dont have any evidence that this is what happened. Please comment with some advice or just your personal opinion. He had a dent on his truck to collaborate my story. Over the months i paid her $1350.She is still fighting for the remaining 500 even though i told her she could take her car in to another car shop were they wouldnt charge more than 600 and she could keep the change. I didnt make a police report. Again the car I was was driving did not have insurance as at the time of the incident. I was ran off the road this morning by a semi tanker. This presumes you have the California minimum statutory car insurance limits, which are: $15,000 for injury to one (1) person in one (1) accident. I had explained she needed to go to a shop and get a receipt so I can pay for the costs. If the accident happened more than 2 years ago, this all could be moot because its past the deadline for someone to file a lawsuit against you. However, if an accident results in property damage exceeding $1,000, an injury, or a fatality, according to Texas law, a police report must be filed. Two days later we realized that the school police was looking for us then we decided to turn ourselves in. A copy of the report costs $10 along with a $2 convenience fee; if purchased online, you will be provided with a download link that will remain active for 48 hours. My only hope is it was at near the grocery store and if there were cameras that recorded the incident. The person wasnt in the vehicle. He explained he maybe jumbled some numbers, (completely understandable), but that I needed to call the primary officer when he when on duty at 6 pm. The challenge will be identifying the responsible officer. My 16 year old daughter was in an accident several weeks ago where she backed into a car while leaving a private drive way, One of her friends was having a drive by birthday party and the road in front of her house is a three lane road (one each direction, a turning lane, and no parking capabilities on either side of the road). Hi, I scraped a car in the parking lot with my car 5 days ago. i did not report to my insurance . The at-fault driver was taken away by ambulance. The only way you can know for sure is by talking to a personal injury attorney that specializes in car accident cases in your area ( Youre correct that the fact that your daughters vehicle was uninsured at the time of the accident will be a problem. If you need help finding one, you can use our free online directory. If you have any trouble filling out the form or have any questions, you may reach the Denver Police Department's records division at (720) 913-6755. You may still bring a claim for compensation under the same laws that apply in cases with a police report. Beforw we parted pur way she stated. He took a picture of my insurance card, and called my phone, took pictures of my cars damage and allowed me to use bus phone to call AAA so I could get in my car! I am sorry that happened to your husband, and Im glad to hear that he was uninjured. I have one where 2 insurance companies are trying to collect 2600.00. it was a situation where they said my one of my business trucks ( its a ranger with no company identification) was at a house and the person driving it was trimming trees ( i have a surface restoration company not landscaping) next door to their vehicle parked in the driveway and tree trimmings damaged their vehicle. His passenger told the police that he was not paying attention to what the driver was doing. I had text him asking for pictures of the damages on his vehicle. The chances of winning a "he said, she said" car accident case is increased by a few, key elements. Makes me so upset and Ive been having anxiety over this and what to say in court. Her car was at least 12 years old, not in great shape, and may be considered totaled by insurance in my opinion. In the meantime, I would document the damages to your car (take pictures) and sit tight to see if you hear from the other driver. I was attempting to turn left and hit a car in possession of the lane, however, if they werent speeding to beat the light the accident would never have happened. I call that evening and his wife or girlfriend answered the phone and she said that he had told her he had been in an accident and that if we could do it without going through the insurance company because insurance goes up so high and so I agreed. apparently all they got was a tag number. Now 6 months later the pick up truck drivers insurance is claiming that we are liable for the damage done to his vehicle. Yes, he has the right to change his mind. The other drivers options are to settle the claim with you personally or file a claim against your insurance company. At the time of the incident I was scared and afraid and didnt want to cause a scene, My adrenaline and nerves were high. Said it was okay. This was my first wreak EVER!! This report will likely include the officer's opinion as to the cause of . In Pennsylvania, the law does not require the police to report minor car accidents. I know its hard in the moment, when youre shocked and maybe afraid, and most peoples instinct is to take responsibility, but that can affect your legal options later. Not informing the police after the accident it seems like our insurance doesnt want to move forward without it. report? Not sure what to do at this point. She also claims I never respond when she contacts me when it is the other way around. His hitch did more damage to my jeep, I bent his back bumper barley. Read more about Enjuris. florida pregnant mother shot and killed while parked in car, police say Police said Harrison fled the scene in her white Ford vehicle but turned herself in to authorities around 5:30 p.m. that day. My son was in an accident. Also Read : 5 Health Issues You May Encounter After a Car Accident. Only the DMV in your state can revoke your license a private person or company cant do that. Im not sure if my car has any damages to tires or rotors yet till I can schedule to get it checked out. But said he would fix my wheel saw happen and verify your version of the road accept offer. The wreck feel free to use the Enjuris law firm directory to find another attorney to... And fix my wheel the defendant answer myself but it is time one know. Crash-Related details, statements from those involved, and im glad to hear that was..., this is because the property damage is minor, and the company... Sue, but I realize that my very life could have been taken a. 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